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Changes in Saccadic and Manual Motor Control After Ocular Smooth Pursuit Adaptive Modifications
Authors:P. van Donkelaar  G. M. Gauthier  J.-L. Vercher  J. Blouin
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Contr?les Sensorimoteurs Université de Provence
Abstract:The gain of ocular smooth pursuit responses can be adaptively modified under certain circumstances. Evidence that these modifications are caused, at least partly, by changes at a sensory level comes from the fact that subsequent manual tracking movements generated during visual fixation are also modified in a similar manner. The question addressed in the present experiment was whether the modifications are constrained specifically to responses such as these, which are driven by retinal image motion, or whether they can also influence movements that make use of retinal image position. This was accomplished by comparing manual and oculomotor responses to step changes in target position before and after smooth pursuit adaptation. The results showed that, as with manual tracking movements, these responses were also modified by the adaptive procedure, although to a lesser extent. In particular, following a 20-min period in which subjects (N = 4) were submitted to a procedure designed to increase the gain of the smooth pursuit system, manual step tracking movements and ocular saccades displayed larger amplitudes than those shown prior to the adaptation. In addition, these gain changes were accompanied by appropriate alterations in response kinematics. Taken together, these results suggest that the mechanisms responsible for adaptive modifications in the smooth pursuit system are also able to more generally influence the processing of visuospatial information. The possible neurophysiological substrate underlying these mechanisms is discussed.
Keywords:adaptation  limb movements  motion processing  saccades  smooth pursuit
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