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Integrating motivational interviewing in career counseling: A case study
Authors:Shé  kina Rochat,Jé    me Rossier
Affiliation:Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract:Motivational interviewing (MI) is receiving increasing attention in the field of career counseling. However, none of the previous studies have concretely presented how this method could and why it should be integrated in career counseling. Through the use of a single case study design, this paper illustrates how a brief MI (BMI) intervention can be integrated into career counseling interventions to help resolve career dilemmas. An analysis of the interactions between the client and his counselor using the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code 2.1 illustrates why this method can be useful for career counseling. Immediate and long-term effects of the global career counseling intervention on the client's career decision-making difficulties, as well as the specific impacts of the BMI intervention, are assessed. This case study shows that the BMI approach can be integrated in a career counseling intervention to help career counseling clients overcome career dilemmas and increase their readiness to make career choices.
Keywords:Career counseling   Motivational interviewing   Career decision-making difficulties   Career dilemma
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