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Applying the social cognitive model of career self-management to career exploration and decision-making
Authors:Robert W. Lent  Ijeoma EzeoforM. Ashley Morrison  Lee T. PennGlenn W. Ireland
Affiliation:University of Maryland, College Park, United States
Abstract:We present two studies applying the social cognitive model of career self-management (Lent & Brown, 2013) to career exploration and decision-making outcomes in college students. In the first study (N = 180 college students), we developed a new, brief measure of career exploration and decision-making self-efficacy for use in subsequent model testing. The measure yielded two factors, decisional self-efficacy and coping efficacy, with adequate internal consistency reliability estimates. The decisional self-efficacy factor related strongly to an established measure of career decision self-efficacy and produced theory consistent relations with measures of outcome expectations, social support, conscientiousness, exploration goals, prior engagement in career exploration, decisional anxiety, and level of career decidedness. In the second study (N = 215 college students), we re-examined the factor structure of the new self-efficacy measure and used it to assess the tenability of the self-management model in a path analysis predicting exploration goals, decisional anxiety, and career decidedness. The model fit the data well overall, though certain predictors were linked to the criterion variables only indirectly via mediated pathways. Implications of the findings for the social cognitive model as well as for future research and practice are considered.
Keywords:Social cognitive career theory   Career self-management model   Self-efficacy   Outcome expectations   Goals   Support   Conscientiousness   Anxiety   Decidedness
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