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La localisation cérébrale des facultés mentales
Authors:S. Nicolas
Affiliation:Laboratoire cognition et comportement, FRE CNRS 2987, institut de psychologie, université Paris-Descartes, 71, avenue Édouard-Vaillant, 92774 Boulogne-Billancourt cedex, France
Abstract:Although the word faculty has been criticized by « scientific » psychologists, Fodor used it more recently in his famous book on modularity of mind (1983). During second half of the xixth, the cerebral localization of faculties or mental functions by phrenologists and physiologists interested most researchers which have continued in the same way but with others technologies like functional cerebral imagery. We underlined in the paper the difficulties associated with the discovery of the precise localization of the mental functions and the necessity of reinforcing the dialogue between neurosciences, psychology and philosophy.
Keywords:Histoire de la psychologie   Faculté  s mentales   Phré  nologie   Localisation   Fodor
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