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A comparative,cross‐national analysis of partner‐killing by women in cohabiting and marital relationships in Australia and the United States
Authors:Jenny Mouzos  Todd K. Shackelford
Abstract:Using a national‐level United States database, T. K. Shackelford [Partner‐killing by women in cohabiting relationships and marital relationships. Homicide Studies 5: 253‐266, 2001] calculated rates of partner‐killing by women by relationship type (cohabiting or marital), by partner ages, and by the age difference between partners. Men in cohabiting relationships were 10 times more likely to be killed by their partners than were married men. Within marriages, the risk of being killed by a partner decreased with a man's age. Within cohabiting relationships, in contrast, middle‐aged men were at greatest risk of being killed by their partners. The risk that a man will be killed by his partner generally increased with greater age difference between partners. We sought to replicate the findings of Shackelford [2001] using national‐level data held as part of the National Homicide Monitoring Program (NHMP) at the Australian Institute of Criminology in Australia. The NHMP holds data on over 3,500 homicides that occurred in Australia between 1989 and 2000. Despite the higher rate of partner‐killing in the United States, and despite other cultural differences between the two countries (for example, the prominent gun culture in the United States), we replicated the key patterns with the Australian data. Aggr. Behav. 30:206–216, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Keywords:intimate partner homicide  cohabitation  marriage  Australia  United States
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