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引用本文:徐文轩, 柏宁, 尹梅. 2014. 当前我国公立医院过度扩张的原因及危害. 医学与哲学, 35(9A): 60-63.
作者姓名:徐文轩  柏宁  尹梅
作者单位:哈尔滨医科大学人文学院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150081
基金项目:2013年黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目“高等医学院校人文素质教育的课程体系设置与教学模式研究”,项目编号:JG2013010433 联合保险经纪集团2012年度医疗卫生风险管理服务体系科研项目“医疗机构风险控制教育培训体系研究”,项目编号:LHYLFXZD201206 2013年哈尔滨医科大学人文学院基金项目“高等医学院校职业道德教育的当代困境及应对方法研究”的成果
摘    要:当前我国公立医院的过度扩张已经引起了社会和医疗领域的高度关注,分析扩张背后的主要原因是市场经济制度下的利益驱动以及政府权力与医院权益交易等权利寻租的结果。这种过度扩张会引发一系列的负面效应:趋利性与垄断行为是目前公立医院过度扩张后带给社会的最大风险,使公立医院失去了本应承担的社会责任,同时打破了医疗市场的公平竞争,滋生了医疗领域的腐败,由于扩张所带来的医疗资源过于集中,既不利于患者权益的保障和医患关系的改善,也不利于当前我国“看病难、看病贵”问题的解决。因此,我国政府应该合理地控制公立医院的发展规模。

关 键 词:医院扩张   国家体制   趋利性   垄断

On the Reasons and the Harm of Current Excessive Expansion of Public Hospitals in China
XU Wen-xuan, BO Ning, YIN Mei. 2014. On the Reasons and the Harm of Current Excessive Expansion of Public Hospitals in China. Medicine & Philosophy, 35(9A): 60-63.
Authors:XU Wen-xuan  BO Ning  YIN Mei
Affiliation:Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150081, China
Abstract:The current excessive expansion of the public hospitals has been highly concerned by the society and the medical field.The main reason is the profit driven under the market economic system and rent-seeking between the government power and hospital rights.This expansion will lead to a series of negative effects.Pursuing profit and monopoly are the biggest risks that the expansion of public hospitals brings to society at present,which makes public hospitals lose the social responsibilities,and violates the fair competition and causes the corruption in medical market.The concentration of medical resources resulted from the expansion of public hospitals is not only disadvantageous for the protection of the rights and interests of patients and the improvement of doctor-patient relationship,but also unuseful to solve China's current problems of "difficult and expensive for seeing the doctor".Therefore,the government should reasonably regulate the scale of the development of public hospitals.
Keywords:hospital expansion  national system  profit tendency  monopoly
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