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引用本文:肖荣. 2014. 北宋医理进展及渊源考述:以五脏辨证体系为线索. 医学与哲学, 35(1A): 88-90.
作者单位:深圳大学历史系 广东深圳 518060
摘    要:张仲景时期五脏证治概念界定边缘清晰,又能化整为零,分散于各具体证治。之后经六朝隋唐,杂病领域的积累致使内部有重新整合的刚性需求。而承载多层五脏辨证新说的七篇《大论》的出现切合发展时机。进入北宋之后,七篇《大论》没有立刻产生影响,直至仁宗时,由于国家校正医书局整理刊刻新《素问》才流行开来。随之而来,医家不断发挥新说。标志当时学术高度的是钱乙的《小儿药证直诀》,书中将化博为约、重新审察旧说、注重五脏辨证等北宋医学之新象发挥得淋漓尽致。北宋医理的突出进展,是发生于五脏辨证的学术脉络之下。

关 键 词:北宋医学   五脏辨证   运气学说

Research on the Development and Origin of the Medicine Theory in Northern Song Dynasty:A Clue of the Five Viscera Pattern Identification Theory
XIAO Rong. 2014. Research on the Development and Origin of the Medicine Theory in Northern Song Dynasty:A Clue of the Five Viscera Pattern Identification Theory. Medicine & Philosophy, 35(1A): 88-90.
Authors:XIAO Rong
Affiliation:History Department, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
Abstract:During the period of ZHANG Zhongjing, the boundary of the concept of five viscera is clear and its function is integrated as well as scattered in different specific cure cases. On the occasion of it, the seven Da Lun which inherits five viscera dialectic theory appeared without immediate impact on the medicine theory which retained the old fashion of Su Wen and Tang Dynasty until the Northern Song Dynasty of Renzong. And new theories were carried forward by the doctors. The temporal highest sign of the academy is QIAN Yi's Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue in which the new medicine theory of the Northern Song Dynasty is exerted. At the end of the paper, the author points out that the outstanding development of the medicine theory in the Northern Song Dynasty happened within the academic system of five viscera pattern identification.
Keywords:medicine theory in the Northern Song Dynasty  five viscera pattern identification  doctrine on YunQi
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