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引用本文:王彧, 吴雪松, 尹梅. 2014. 刍议人体试验伦理审查程序的正当化. 医学与哲学, 35(7A): 33-36.
作者姓名:王彧  吴雪松  尹梅
作者单位:哈尔滨医科大学人文社会科学学院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150081
基金项目:黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目“跟踪审查:药物临床试验伦理审查监督机制的影响因素与效果研究”, 项目编号:G201102 2013年黑龙江省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目“高等医学院校非医学专业研究生教学方法创新和创新能力培养”, 项目编号:JGXM_HLJ_2013076
摘    要:医学伦理委员会在成立之初就明确了自身的使命:确保涉及人体试验研究的"科学"、"伦理"和"监管"。但在实际操作中, 很多伦理审查委员会将程序的正义简单地理解为是不是采用了标准化的审查流程, 是否通过了国外所谓权威机构的认证, 这导致伦理审查并没有遵循一个正当的程序进行, 使其在公平性、公正性等诸多方面受到质疑。因此, 为维护受试者的核心权益, 确保涉及人体试验的医学研究有序进行, 建立正当的程序并在伦理审查过程中实现程序正义有着极为重要的意义。

关 键 词:正当程序   伦理审查   正义

On Validity of the Ethical Review Procedure for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects
WANG Yu, WU Xue-song, YIN Mei. 2014. On Validity of the Ethical Review Procedure for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. Medicine & Philosophy, 35(7A): 33-36.
Authors:WANG Yu  WU Xue-song  YIN Mei
Affiliation:Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150081, China
Abstract:Medical ethics committee has clarified its mission at the very outset:to ensure "science, ethics and supervision" in any research that involves human beings.Unfortunately, many committees simply regard the legitimacy of procedure as whether standardized censorship is adopted in practice, or even whether it is approved by so-called overseas authoritative institutions.This leads to the lack of a proper procedure of conduct and the fairness, justice and related aspects are being suspected.Therefore, to establish a legitimate procedure and put it into practice during ethics approval is of great significance with respect to protecting the subjects' rights and ensuring the order of medical research involving human subjects.
Keywords:due process of law  ethical review  justice
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