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Abstract:Book reviews in this article:
C ognitive P sychology . By Dom Thomas Verner Moore.
M ental D isorders I n U rba N A rea S. By R. E. L. Faris and H. W. Dunham.
F acts and T heories of P sychoanalysis . By Ives Hendrick, M.D.
A nalysis O f H andwriting . By Hans J. Jacoby.
M odes O f T hought . By Alfred North Whitehead.
T he P sychology O f C ommon S ense . By A. A. Roback.
H uman N ature W rit L arge : A Social-Psychologic Survey and Western Anthropology. By F. Creedy.
T he C ulture O f C ities . By Lewis Mumford.
H ereditary and E nvironmentat F actors I n T he C ausation O f M anic -D epressive P sychoses and D ementia P raecox . By Horatio M. Pollock.
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