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摘    要:运用沃特期-迪因儿童依恋行为分类卡片的相关条目,评估81名寄宿制幼儿园幼儿与母亲的依恋水平,并用自编问卷回溯幼儿三岁前的养育经验及相关基本信息。结果显示:幼儿与母亲的依恋总体上都处于比较积极的状态;主要照料者非保姆的、母亲产后复工时间在三个月内的、母亲主观陪伴愿望强的、与母亲分离增多始于2岁半及以上的、母亲从未威胁抛弃的,母子依恋总分较高;女孩、主要照料者非保姆的、母亲主观陪伴愿望强的、与母亲分离增多始于2岁半及以上的、母亲从未威胁抛弃的,与母亲直接相关的依恋分数都较高;高年级及母亲从未威胁抛弃的,一般行为倾向上表现更为积极;断奶和母亲产后复工时间在三个月内的、母亲无暇或不能全心全意陪伴的、母亲从未威胁抛弃的,对陌生人的兴趣和接近性更强;而喂养方式、母亲实际陪伴孩子时间的多少、及早期与母亲的分离经验,未发现对各依恋指标的显著性影响。提示:早期养育中,母亲对孩子的主观感情倾向和相处质量,更有利于增进母子依恋及相关积极行为;了解孩子心理的阶段性发展特点也具重要意义。

关 键 词:依恋  相关研究  经验  养育  早期  水平  寄宿制幼儿园  分类卡片  基本信息  行为倾向  主观感情  积极行为  重要意义  发展特点  母亲  抛弃  威胁  时间  分离  高年级  接近性  陌生人  孩子  显著性  阶段性  保姆  愿望

A Correlation Study between Early Nurturing Experience and Mother-child Attachment Level
Li Ling.A Correlation Study between Early Nurturing Experience and Mother-child Attachment Level[J].Psychological Science,2005,28(3):699-701.
Authors:Li Ling
Abstract:Items from Waters & Deane's Attachment Q-set were used to evaluate mother-child attachment of 81 boarding kindergartners. Their nurturing experience before three was traced via a self-made questionnaire. The results indicated: mother-child attachment was positive as a whole. Child's gender and grade, time of ablactating, mother going back to work and more separation between mother and child occurring, mainly in the care of nurserymaid or not, mother's desire of company, ever expressed a threat to discard or not, all these factors, to some degree, separately correlated significantly with the whole and the three parts of the attachment questionnaire. No significant correlations were found between all indexes of the attachment and feed style, actual company time, and early separation experience with mother. The quality of relationship between mother and child was to be shown more important to higher attachment level and other related positive action.
Keywords:attachment  nurturing experience  separation experience
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