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Orderliness as a Major Dimension of Personality: from 3DPT to 4DPT
Authors:D. Van Kampen
Abstract:Based on our previous criticisms of Eysenck's Psychoticism model (Van Kampen, 1993) a (Dutch) questionnaire is presented to measure the personality dimensions S (Insensitivity), E (Extraversion), N (Neuroticism), and G (Orderliness). In this questionnaire, the 4DPT or Four-Dimensional Personality Test, the dimensions S and G take the place of Eysenck's unidimensional P concept. It could be demonstrated that the four factors are highly invariant with respect to several sample parameters, including the measured dimensions themselves. Moreover, the scales for the measurement of these factors are practically uncorrelated and sufficiently reliable (Cronbach's α). The relationship between the 4DPT dimensions and the Big-Five model is examined to test the idea that the factors S, E, N, and G are at least variants of the Big-Five dimensions Agreeableness, Surgency, Emotional Stability, and Conscientiousness. The results, obtained by correlating the 4DPT with both the NEO-PI of Costa and McCrae and a set of unipolar factor markers developed by Goldberg, confirm our expectations. The findings are presented in the context of the present-day discussion between Eysenck and the proponents of the Big-Five model about the nature and number of basic personality factors. Some comments are also made on the possibility of extending the 4DPT with a fifth scale for the measurement of the remaining Big-Five factor, Intellect or Openness to Experience. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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