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What an Understanding of the Dynamics of Gossip Has to Teach About Group Dynamics and Group Leadership

Although what transpires in group therapy is not gossip per se–except perhaps when absent or former members are discussed–listening to group interaction through an understanding of the dynamics of gossip can contribute to a greater appreciation of group dynamics and group leadership as well as enlarge therapeutic space. After examining the interpersonal dynamics of gossip, this paper discusses six ways in which an understanding of these dynamics can inform group leadership and shed light on group psychotherapy. Central features of gossip that appear in group interactions are explored: These include projection, displacement, self-esteem regulation, clarification of motivation, unself-consciousness, social comparison and bonding, avoidance of psychic pain, and making the ego-syntonic dystonic. The lively use of imagination in the mature phase of group therapy is conceived of as the time when the darker side of human nature–imagined gossip harnessed for therapeutic purposes–can be welcomed in and processed in a kind, playful, and compassionate manner.
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