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Regression I. Experimental approaches to regression
Authors:Yuri Alexandrov  Brian Feldman  Olga Svarnik  Irina Znamenskaya  Marina Kolbeneva  Karina Arutyunova  Andrey Krylov  Alexandra Bulava
Affiliation:1. Moscow, Russia;2. Palo Alto, California
Abstract:The concept of regression is considered with an emphasis on the differences between the positions of Freud and Jung regarding its significance. The paper discusses the results of experimental analyses of individual experience dynamics (from gene expression changes and impulse neuronal activity in animals to prosocial behaviour in healthy humans at different ages, and humans in chronic pain) in those situations where regression occurs: stress, disease, learning, highly emotional states and alcohol intoxication. Common mechanisms of regression in all these situations are proposed. The mechanisms of regression can be described as reversible dedifferentiation, which is understood as a relative increase of the representation of low-differentiated (older) systems in the actualized experience. In all of the cases of dedifferentiation mentioned above, the complexity of the systemic organization of behaviour significantly decreases.
Keywords:alcohol  brain  development  disease  gene  individual experience  Jungian psychology  moral choice  neuron  regression  social behaviour  stress  system  psychologie jungienne  régression  alcool  stress  maladie  comportement social  expérience individuelle  développement  système  neurone  cerveau  gène  choix moral  Jungianische Psychologie  Regression  Alkohol  Streß  Krankheit  soziales Verhalten  persönliche Erfahrung  Entwicklung  System  Neuron  Hirn  Gen  Gewissensentscheidung  psicologia junghiana  regressione  alcool  stress  malattia  comportamento sociale  esperienza individuale  sviluppo  sistema  neurone  cervello  gene  scelta morale  юнгианская психология  регрессия  алкоголь  стресс  болезнь  социальное поведение  индивидуальный опыт  развитие  система  нейрон  мозг  ген  моральный выбор  psicología Junguiana  regresión  alcohol  estrés  enfermedad  conducta social  experiencia individual  desarrollo  sistema  neurona  cerebro  gene  elección moral  荣格心理学, 退行, 酒精, 压力, 疾病, 社会行为, 个体经验, 发展, 系统, 神经元, 脑, 基因, 道德选择
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