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Apocalyptic themes in times of trouble: when young men are deeply alienated
Authors:Robert Tyminski
Affiliation:San Francisco
Abstract:Boys and young men more frequently live out aspects of their psychic and social alienation online. This paper explores some of the risks and dangers that can arise from retreats into the two-dimensional world of cyberspace. It focuses more specifically on videogaming called MOBA, multi-player online battle arena games, in which players point and shoot at others. A case example emphasizes the clinical problems emerging from violent fantasies that seek a false form of containment in cyberspace. Themes of destructive fantasizing are further amplified through images of apocalypse, which are often prevalent in combat arena videogames. Textual sources from the Book of Revelation offer possible understanding for various elements of destructiveness as it appears in vulnerable male psyches. Therapeutic contact that combines a relational, containing approach and a broadly spiritual and soulful perspective can provide a path to healing such violent splits within the psyches of boys and young men.
Keywords:alienation  apocalypse  isolation  male psyche  male violence  MOBA  videogaming  aliénation  apocalypse  isolation  psyché masculine  violence masculine  jeux de combats multi-joueurs en ligne  jeux vidéo  Entfremdung  Apokalypse  Isolation  männliche Psyche  männliche Gewalt  MOBA  Videospiele  alienazione  apocalisse  isolamento  psiche maschile  violenza maschile  MOBA  videogiochi  отчуждение  апокалипсис  изоляция  мужская психика  мужское насилие  МОВА  видеоигры  alienación  apocalipsis  aislamiento  psique masculina  violencia masculina  MOBA  疏离  末日启示  隔离  男性心灵  男性暴力  MOBA  视频游戏
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