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Archetypal images emerging in the therapy of Lithuanian cancer patients
Authors:Giedre Bulotiene
Affiliation:Vilnius, Lithuania
Abstract:The goal of this paper is to show through clinical examples how archetypal images connected with nature emerged in Lithuanian cancer patients, to analyze how these images helped them to get in touch with their emotions and meaningful personal experiences, and to discuss how these archetypal images are related to the Lithuanian cultural unconscious, and may also assist the psychological treatment of cancer. The analyzed examples permit the preliminary conclusion that when ill with cancer, a person's psyche generates universal archetypal images that constitute an important part of the process of coping psychologically with the disease.
Keywords:archetypal images  cancer  cultural unconscious  Jungian approach  psychotherapy  cancer  psychothérapie  images archétypales  inconscient culturel  approche Jungienne  Krebs  Psychotherapie  archetypisches Bild  kulturelles Unbewußtes  Jungianischer Ansatz  cancro  psicoterapia  immagini archetipiche  inconscio culturale  approccio junghiano  рак  психотерапия  архетипические образы  культурное бессознательное  юнгианский подход  cancer  psicoterapia  imágenes arquetipales  incosnciente cultural  abordaje Junguiano  癌症, 心理治疗, 原型意象, 文化无意识, 荣格取向
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