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The Diagonal and the Demon
Authors:Comesaña  Juan
Affiliation:(1) Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Abstract:Reliabilism about epistemic justification – thethesis that what makes a belief epistemicallyjustified is that it was produced by a reliableprocess of belief-formation – must face twoproblems. First, what has been called ``the newevil demon problem', which arises from the ideathat the beliefs of victims of an evil demonare as justified as our own beliefs, althoughthey are not – the objector claims – reliablyproduced. And second, the problem of diagnosingwhy skepticism is so appealing despite beingfalse. I present a special version ofreliabilism, ``indexical reliabilism', based ontwo-dimensional semantics, and show how it cansolve both problems.
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