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Choosing the best means to an end: The influence of ingroup goals on the selection of representatives in intergroup negotiations
Authors:  tia P. Teixeira,Sté  phanie Demoulin,Vincent Y. Yzerbyt
  • Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  • Abstract:According to Scheepers, Spears, Doosje, & Manstead (2006), instrumental goals refer to the maximization of profit whereas identity goals are associated with the attainment of a positive social identity. In two experiments, we show that when negotiations are purely instrumental individuals prefer pro-outgroup deviants as representatives (Experiments 1 and 2). In contrast, when negotiations are identity-related, group members increase their preference for normative (Experiments 1 and 2) and pro-ingroup deviants (Experiment 1). Furthermore, these goals also impact perceptions of typicality of group members. Taken together, these results suggest strategic acceptance of deviance when the goal is to bring the other party to concede and increased preference for normativity when identity is the group's main preoccupation. We discuss implications of these results for research on negotiation as well as on the influence of the intergroup context on intragroup dynamics.
    Keywords:Intergroup relations   Negotiation   Intragroup dynamics   Representative selection   Typicality
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