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Living a Good Way of Life: Perspectives from American Indian and First Nation Young Adults
Authors:Margarette L. Kading  Miigis B. Gonzalez  Kaley A. Herman  John Gonzalez  Melissa L. Walls
Abstract:In this study, we respond to calls for strengths‐based Indigenous research by highlighting American Indian and First Nations (Anishinaabe) perspectives on wellness. We engaged with Anishinaabe community members by using an iterative, collaborative Group Concept Mapping methodology to define strengths from a within‐culture lens. Participants (n = 13) shared what it means to live a good way of life/have wellness for Anishinaabe young adults, ranked/sorted their ideas, and shared their understanding of the map. Results were represented by nine clusters of wellness, which addressed aspects of self‐care, self‐determination, actualization, community connectedness, traditional knowledge, responsibility to family, compassionate respect toward others, enculturation, and connectedness with earth/ancestors. The clusters were interrelated, primarily in the relationship between self‐care and focus on others. The results are interpreted by the authors and Anishinaabe community members though the use of the Seven Grandfather Teachings, which provide a framework for understanding Anishinaabe wellness. The Seven Grandfather Teachings include Honesty (Gwayakwaadiziwin), Respect (Manaadendamowin), Humility (Dabaadendiziwin), Love (Zaagi'idiwin), Wisdom (Nibwaakaawin), Bravery/Courage (Aakode'ewin), and Truth (Debwewin).
Keywords:Wellness  First Nation  American Indian  Indigenous  Group Concept Mapping  Seven Grandfather Teachings
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