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Preaching,Sexuality, and Women Religious

This paper addresses how the role of the prophetic is contested by examining ecclesial conflict in the Catholic Church as exemplified in the Vatican critique of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the social ministries and lobbying efforts of NETWORK’s “Nuns on the Bus.” Drawing on the fields of homiletics, biblical studies, public theology, and feminist theology, we examine patterns of prophetic discourse and defend the work of the nuns as prophetic in that their work bears witness to the reign of God in everyday contexts. Binary patterns such as church/world, ordained/lay, sacred/profane, male/female, privileged/marginalized are ultimately inaccurate and unhelpful. We argue that the prophetic must be shaped and discerned by the lived experiences of the whole people of God but privileging the experiences of those on the margins. We invite readers to think of the role of the prophetic beyond the pulpit and into the public sphere.
Keywords:homiletics  Vatican  nuns  prophetic  pulpitized spaces
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