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引用本文:孙振玉. 明清之际伊斯兰教中国化的“以儒诠经”模式[J]. 中国穆斯林, 2020, 0(1): 33-42
摘    要:明清之际的以儒诠经,内涵之中历史地出现了一个特殊知识群体,自然地包含有四个目的、两大手段和三种具体作为,用话语表述,该文化创造模式可以解释为:明清之际我国伊斯兰教的以儒诠经,是回儒这个文化兼通的特殊知识群体,立足中国,采用汉语,在本土社会语境中,对该宗教经义所做出的再诠释,过程中于公的目的是兴教、明道和补足百家之不足,于私的目的是立个人不朽之言,因而针对本土元素展开了批判(为先),继而有选择地加以借用和融会贯通,同时为伊斯兰教正本清源,再通过以文会友,最终收获了针对外教的释疑并取得某种认同,从而为伊斯兰教适应本土社会赢得了有利机会和条件。

关 键 词:明清时期  “以儒诠经”模式  伊斯兰教  中国化

Interpreting Islam with Confucianism: Mode of Chinization of Islam in the Ming and Qing
Abstract:During the Ming and Qing period,a special group of intellectuals were engaged in the campaign of interpreting Islam with Confucianism.This cultural creation mode entailed four aims,two methods and three specific practices.The campaign was launched by the special cultural group--the Hui Confucian scholars,who were learned scholars in both Confucianism and Islam.Based on social reality of China at that time,they interpreted in Chinese the Islamic doctrines in the social context.Their aims were promoting the religion,identifying the truth,complementing the traditional thoughts,and asserting themselves.To achieve these aims,they criticized first and then utilized the the indigenous culture selectively to interpret the essence and core Islamic philosophy.In this process,they formed a friend circle by writing the explanatory articles to make Islam accessible to non-Muslims.This created favorable conditions for Islam to adapt to the indigenous society.
Keywords:the Ming and Qing period  mode of interpreting Islam with Confucianism  Islam  Chinization
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