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Journal Reviews
Authors:William Meredith-Owen  Susanne Short
Abstract:A rden , M argaret . (London). 'Freud and Jung'. Free Associations
C arr , C oeli . (U.S.A.). 'Selling the Feminine'. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal
D avies , M iranda . (London). 'Heroic deeds, manic defence, and intrusive identification: some reflections on psychotherapy with a 16-year old boy'. Journal of Child Psychotherapy
F ordham , M ichael . (London). 'The Jung-Klein hybrid'. Free Associations
G iegerich , W olfgang . 'Killings: psychology's Platonism and the missing link to reality'. Spring
J acoby , M ario . (Zollikon, Switzerland). 'The Psychology of self in Jung and Kohut'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
N eumann , M icha . (Israel). 'The psychology and psychopathology of the second generation of holocaust survivors'. Zeitschrift für Analytische Psychologie
R eis , P atricia . (U.S.A). 'Female gender trouble: pursuing the perverse with Madonna'. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Jounal
R oose , J eanine A uger . (Los Angeles). 'The Still Point of the Turning World'. In Mad Parts of Sane People in Analysis
S amuels , A. (London). 'Men Under Scrutiny'. Winnicott Studies
S amuels , A. (London). 'The mirror and the hammer: depth psychology and political transformation'. Commentaries by Figlio, K., Shamdasani, S., Mayers, D. and Papadopoulos, R. with a Reply. Free Associations
W yly , J ames . (Chicago). 'Abstract Art and the Unconscious', Quadrant
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