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引用本文:刘希平,王贝妮,唐卫海. 阈下情绪面孔的注视线索提示效应[J]. 心理发展与教育, 2019, 35(2): 129-137. DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.02.01
作者姓名:刘希平  王贝妮  唐卫海
作者单位:天津师范大学教育科学学院, 天津 300387
摘    要:采用线索-靶子范式,利用2个预实验和1个正式实验,考察阈下不同情绪面孔的注视线索提示效应。要求被试在具有表情与注视线索的面孔呈现完毕后,快速而准确地对目标的位置进行判断。记录被试反应时间。结果显示,当被试未有意识的觉察到注视线索与面孔表情时,注视线索提示效应存在,并受到表情的调节。表现为:在注视线索有效并伴有恐惧表情时,被试对于目标的判断更加迅速;当比较不同表情下线索无效与线索有效条件下的反应时差异时发现,恐惧表情面孔出现时,线索无效与线索有效条件之间反应时的差异最大。结果表明,阈下情绪刺激能够激发个体更原始的生物性反应;在早期注意阶段,个体对于恐惧信息更加敏感,注意存在负向情绪偏差。

关 键 词:阈下  注视朝向  面孔表情  注视线索提示效应  注意偏向

The Impact of Subliminal Emotional Faces on the Gaze-cueing Effect
LIU Xiping,WANG Beini,TANG Weihai. The Impact of Subliminal Emotional Faces on the Gaze-cueing Effect[J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2019, 35(2): 129-137. DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.02.01
Authors:LIU Xiping  WANG Beini  TANG Weihai
Affiliation:School of Educational Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387
Abstract:As the most prominent part in the face, eyes are usually considered as one of the most important information source. Former studies have shown that people's attention tends to shift to certain locations by others' eyes gazing. The gaze-cuing effect (GCE) is that when the eyes in the central face are gazing at the same direction of the targets which would be presented at periphery could accelerate the detection of the targets.
The present study investigated the impact of different emotional faces which are displayed unconsciously on the gaze-cuing effect. A happy, neutral, or fearful cue face with its eyes gazing at left side or right side was presented unconsciously in the center of the computer screen, followed by a capital letter F as target at the gazed (cued) location or the opposite location (uncued) randomly. Participants were asked to accomplish several location judging tasks, which were that subjects should make localization responses to the capital letter F that was appeared randomly on the left side or the right side of the screen as accurately and quickly as they can. Using pseudorandom method to balance the sequence effect and control the Simon Effect by ruling the response keys. Results are (1) RTs were significantly longer and accuracies was significantly smaller in the un-cued condition than the cued condition. (2) In the cued condition, RTs were significantly shorter in the fearful face condition than those in the happy and neutral faces condition. On the contrary, in the un-cued condition, RTs of fearful face condition were significantly longer than those in the happy and neutral faces condition. Results above showed that the gaze-cuing effect (GCE) was significant and was modulated by the emotional faces (happy, neutral, or fearful) presented in the center of the screen before when the cues were presented subliminally. In the cued condition, fearful emotion could accelerate the shifting of attention and lead to the faster detection of targets. However, in the un-cued condition, this way of acceleration could make people shift their attention to the opposite side so that decelerating the detection process of the targets displayed. Take the difference between valid conditions and invalid conditions in the reaction times (gaze cue effect size) as the independent variable, the analysis of result showed that the gaze-cueing effect size in the fearful face condition was larger than the happy and neutral face, while the difference between happy and neutral emotion was not significant.
All the results above indicated that emotional stimulus which are displayed subliminally could get rid of the suppression of the Top-Down attention mechanism, motivating people's primary biological reaction. The gaze-cuing effect (GCE) can be modulated by emotional faces with biological importance that were presented unconsciously. The subliminally presented gazing cue was processed automatically and resulted in attention bias, especially the fearful face cue.
Keywords:subliminally  gaze direction  facial expression  gaze-cueing effect  attentional bias  
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