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Book Review Section
Abstract:Books reviewed in this article:
K err , C lark , D unlop , J ohn T., H arbison , F rederick H., and M yers , C harles A. Industrialism and Industrial Man: The Problems of Labor and Management in Economic Growth.
B ennett , W illard E. Manager Selection, Education and Training.
L ivingston , R obert T eviot , and W aite , W illiam W. (Editors) The Manager's Job.
R emitz , U no . Professional Satisfaction Among Swedish Bank Employees.
D ahl , R obert A., H aire , M ason , and L azarsfeld , P aul F. Social Science Research on Business: Product and Potential.
M arcson , S imon . The Scientist in American Industry: Some Organizational Determinants in Manpower Utilization.
C artwright , D orwin , and Z ander , A lvin (Editors) Group Dynamics: Research and Theory.
N euschel , R ichard F. Management by System.
S iegel , S idney , and F ouraker , L awrence E. Bargaining and Group Decision Making: Experiments in Bilateral Monopoly.
S eeman , M elvin . Social Status and Leadership: The Case of the School Executive.
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