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Biology and Awe: Psychology's Critical Juncture
Abstract:Psychology stands at a crossroads. Even more than in the time of Rollo May, psychology faces a dilemma of alarming moral and scientific proportions. On the one hand, psychology is about to become a "biologism." This is a discipline-led by the high tech, consumerist model for living-that emphasizes measurement, materialism, and efficiency. On the other hand, psychology still has a chance-mainly through humanistic and depth orientations-to be a vibrant discipline. The question is, will we take this path to become the "queen of the sciences," as Nietzsche put it, or will we jeopardize 5,000 years of arts and humanities, centuries of depth analyses, and decades of awe-inspired practice. In this article, which echoes the spirit of my great friend and mentor, Rollo May, as well as my new book, Rediscovery of Awe, I will outline the stakes in this dilemma, the players involved-from biopsychology to humanism-and an alternative, conciliatory vision that I call "awe-based" psychology. The dilemma we face today is whether we will approach our subject matter with a sense of the magnificence and mystery of living (awe) or whether we will persist in making mole-hills of mountains, as Rollo once put it, and succumb to the glib, the well-packaged, and the instrumental; whether we will find the terms and resources to reflect life's profundity; or whether we will skirt its edges, resort to the commercial, and bow to the expedient. I will illustrate further how this dilemma need not be solved by an "us-them," "either-or" mentality but can be addressed dialectically with practical as well as visionary implications for our profession. Finally, I will summarize a few of these implications, both for our practices and contemporary lives.
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