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The Influence of Approach and Avoidance Behavior on Visual Selective Attention
Authors:Daniel Memmert  Rouwen Cañal-Bruland
Affiliation:1. German Sport University Cologne;2. VU University Amsterdam
Abstract:Recent findings indicate that enactment of approach behavior broadens the focus of perceptual attention. The aim of the present study was to examine how approach and avoidance behavior influence visual selective attention. To achieve this, the authors combined approach and avoidance manipulations with a visual precueing task (local vs. global cues preceding either local or global targets). The authors hypothesized that participants with an enactment of approach behavior would show faster attentional orienting with compatible cue-target-relations than in incompatible trials. The results support that enactment of approach behavior leads to faster attentional orienting in compatible trials compared with incompatible trials. Although participants showed significant attentional learning effects across blocks, learning was not enhanced by approach and avoidance manipulations.
Keywords:cueing  motivation  regulatory focus  selective attention
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