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The background to the study was a research project on psychotherapy (279 subjects) in the context of the Finnish Student Health Service. Patients were divided into three groups by duration of treatment. For each group, a hypothetical case was constructed. The hypothetical case in relation to short-term treatment (less than six months) is someone whose temporarily disturbed mental balance is supported by the therapist. The hypothetical case in relation to medium-term treatment (one to two years) exhibits recovery through release from self-objects. The hypothetical case in relation to long-term treatment (two to five years) was marked by the partial working through of object relationships.  相似文献   
中国古代医德教育对现代医学生医德教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医德医风已成为全社会普遍关注的焦点,特殊职业要求医务工作者应具有高尚的医德,而高尚医德的培养应从医学生教育阶段开始,努力提高医学生的医德素养。我国传统的医德教育方法,如医学生人品的选拔,老师言传身教,徒弟满师传统等等对于培养现代医学生关爱病人、救死扶伤的医德风范仍具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
颅脑手术戒毒的哲学与伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颅脑手术戒毒这项新的医疗技术在社会上引起很大反响,最近被卫生部紧急叫停.从颅脑手术戒毒的历史、存在的问题、哲学及伦理方面进行反思是有必要的.把一项临床科研项目直接变换成一项临床服务项目,既未经严格科学论证也不符合伦理与法规要求.  相似文献   
秦泗河医生30年来坚守于基层乡、区级医院,毕生心血奉献于小儿麻痹后遗症——肢体畸残矫治事业,开创了肢残矫治“前无古人,后无来者”的秦泗河畸代,值得珍惜、尊重和纪念,更是为了记住历史,给这样的事业以应有的地位和尊重。其多重意义,将为医学界带来激励和启迪。  相似文献   
解决急性有机磷农药中毒病死率居高不下的问题,必须提高救治中的辩证思维。正确理解标本兼治的含义,外周性、中枢性抗胆碱药物和复能剂联合应用,合理维持阿托品化,积极应用机械通气进行必要的呼吸支持治疗和适时行血液灌流治疗是救治有机磷农药中毒的有效保证。  相似文献   
通过对以未病先防为主导的中国古代主要辟疫思想及方法的回顾与思考,探讨了其对今天传染病预防的参考价值。认识到在当代传染病预防工作中,借鉴中国古代医学的思想与实践之精粹或许可为当代新发传染病的防治另辟新径,以期能对现代传染病的预治有所启示。  相似文献   
This play-ful paper examines the Pygmalion myth as interpreted by George Bernard Shaw in the 1938 film, an adaptation of his 1912 play. This myth of creation is discussed as a cautionary parable for the psychoanalytic treatment situation; mirroring is viewed from the perspectives of Winnicott, Kohut, and Lacan. It is suggested that the wish to create and to be created may play a role in all analyses.  相似文献   
社会认同作为个体在群际和内群体层面的社会联结,总体上对抑郁产生了积极影响,表现为认同程度、认同重要性、认同群体数量以及认同变化的影响等4个方面。现有研究从需求、认知和行为层面探讨了社会认同影响抑郁的中介因素,并检验了身份认同动机和消极群体评价两个调节因素。社会认同视角下的4种理论分别从社会医治、心理资源、认同变化以及认同层次等不同角度解释了社会认同影响抑郁的心理机制。未来应厘清社会认同对抑郁的深层影响机制,重视社会认同影响抑郁的调节因素,及建构社会认同影响抑郁的能动-共生模型。  相似文献   
两宋瘟疫灾害考述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两宋时期爆发的瘟疫次数比较多,在时间上,不是呈平均之势,而是不规则,无周期的;空间分布上呈现出南方比北方多,东部比西部多的特征。由于瘟疫造成的危害比较大,当时人们在和瘟疫的多次斗争中摸索出一些防治措施,积累了相当丰富的经验。  相似文献   
Almost sixty years ago, Norman Reider published a paper about spontaneous “remissions” he had observed. He discussed the manner in which psychoanalytic theory provided a way to partially explain these otherwise mysterious remissions or improvements in symptoms, some without benefit of either psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. Especially important were his comments about the negligible role of interpretation or insight in these examples. His conjectures reflected controversies that were current at the time and that remain unsettled. Of special interest is his introduction of some highly original ways to think of applying psychoanalytic ideas to supportive psychotherapy. But few analysts today have heard of this paper. A reconsideration of his paper allows us to be vividly reminded about our enduring and profound confusion about exactly what constitutes a “cure” at all. Spontaneous shifts in the severity of symptoms may be viewed as experiments of nature that we have neglected to investigate as valuable restraints on our immodest therapeutic claims.  相似文献   
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