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The significant growth in the clinical literature on early childhood psychopathologysince the publication of the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood: Zero to Three–Revised (DC:0–3R; ZERO TO THREE) in 2005 necessitated substantial revisions to the manual, which resulted in the publication of the DC:0–5: Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood: Zero to Five (ZERO TO THREE) in 2016. In addition to the decision to extend the early childhood diagnoses to include children through age 5 years, significant revisions were made to many diagnoses, and new diagnostic categories were added such as the Relationship Specific Disorder of Infancy/Early Childhood. Other additions, such as guidance for the development of a Cultural Formulation for the young child and his or her family and the inclusion of functional impairment criteria also contribute to making the DC: 0–5a substantially more comprehensive and robust diagnostic framework than its predecessor.  相似文献   
Several diagnostic symptoms of the visual-processing deficit Meares-Irlen/Visual Stress Syndrome are remarkably similar to symptom manifestations reported by individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). We surveyed the specific incidences of nine widely-recognised symptoms of visual stress (VS) in a group of subjects (n = 20) previously diagnosed with CFS. The presence of each symptom of VS in the CFS group was compared to its respective presence in both an age and sex matched healthy comparison group (n = 46), and an age and sex matched group comprised of individuals (n = 14) diagnosed with VS. Results showed the frequencies of all nine VS symptoms in the CFS-diagnosed group to be significantly higher (p = .032 – p < .0005) than in the comparison group, with only two symptoms being statistically less frequent in the CFS group than in the VS-diagnosed group. The average number of VS symptoms reported by the CFS group was also significantly higher than the comparison group, yet not significantly different from the VS group. Thus, the occurrence of VS symptoms in subjects diagnosed with CFS appears to be far greater than previously reported, which in turn may indicate the interplay of some yet to be identified underlying factor(s) common to both conditions.  相似文献   

El artículo presenta una teoría multimodal de la atención. Se supone que la atención es flexible, pudiendo hacer un análisis perceptual de la información de distinta profundidad. La información objetivo es seleccionada al nivel del análisis sensorial por los modos tempranos de la atención pero no lo es por los modos tardíos hasta después del análisis semántico. Mientras el sistema de análisis perceptual cambia de los modos tempranos a los tardíos, se recoge más información de las vías no-objetivo, pero requiere más capacidad para atender a la vía objetivo. El estudio comprueba con cinco experimentos los dos supuestos principales, a saber: que la atención requiere capacidad y que la cantidad de capacidad requerida se incrementa de los modos tempranos a los tardíos. En la discusión general los autores afirman que los datos apoyan estos dos supuestos de la teoría multimodal.  相似文献   
In this paper I describe through detailed clinical material the challenges posed by patients who employ entangled autistic defenses. I discuss the complicated nature of treating a patient who employed entangled autistic defenses and utilized my voice in an effort to preserve an undifferentiated state of dual unity. My patient's pursuit of dual unity took a very concrete form in her attempt to mitigate the terror of separateness. This concreteness was expressed via the patient's urgent request that I read letters she wrote to me between sessions. This type of autistic defense placed great strain on my ability to think analytically and I also became increasingly concrete in my response to the patient. Crucial to the analyst's regaining a space in which to think and a sense of separateness is the ability to contact the ground floor of her separate bodily experience. This is just the beginning step in the analyst separating herself from the powerful press to join the patient in a state of dual unity. Interpretation in action (Ogden, 1994) was an effective way to convey the importance of creating and tolerating internal space in myself and begin to create internal space in the patient. Previously such space had been closed down in order to manage primitive fears of annihilation. When a patient is absorbed in an entangling autistic retreat words do not reach the patient on a symbolic level but rather are experienced primarily as an assault on the need for dual unity with the analyst. The patient's need to be wrapped in a sensation based world of dual unity is preferable to a world of spoken words that carry the danger of delineating psychic separateness. In essence there is no self to speak words, only a whirl of an amorphous sensation self lacking definition. I believe with certain kinds of patients it may be necessary to first lose and then work to regain one's analytic mind, as I have powerfully described in the case of Linda. Linda's profound loss of connection to the ground floor of her experience could only begin to be addressed when I worked to extricate myself from ‘our magic carpet ride’ of dual unity, contacting the reality of my bodily experience, and begin to tolerate the terror I felt regarding my separateness from Linda. I also describe the confusing vacillation between entangled and encapsulated defenses in patients like Linda as previously identified by Cohen and Jay (1996). Ultimately, this kind of slow difficult analytic work began to help Linda develop a capacity to think and provided an alternative to the deadened world of her autistic protections.  相似文献   
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