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Over the last few years, university policy in developed countries has placed too much emphasis on assessing publications on the basis of the impact factor. Any scientific material that has not been published in a journal indexed in the Journal Citation Reports is academically irrelevant. Hence, researchers strive hard to publish in such journals. Failure to achieve this means not having a successful career or receiving any academic recognition. A thorough analysis of the effects of this phenomenon on the researcher community leads to the conclusion that the overestimation of the impact factor is likely to cause disappointment among many researchers. Researchers only have two options: adopting a politically correct behavior, that is, following the “impact factor style of thinking”, or accepting the futility of their research regardless of its relevance. This is an example of the involvement of university policy habitus obsessed impact index. O policy impact index is accepted, or is doomed to academic ostracism, and exclusion from participation in all university policy.  相似文献   
Con D. A. Norman     

J. J. Aparicio presenta a D. A. Norman como uno de los representantes más cualificados de lo que se ha dado en llamar “psicología cognitiva”, siendo uno de los primeros que rompieron con la tradición de Ebbinhaus al incorporar la investigación sobre la memoria. En esta entrevista el autor responde a cuestiones tales como la relación entre sus trabajos y los del resto de psicólogos cognitivos, las limitaciones de la psicología cognitiva en sus comienzos y el papel que ha desempeñado Chomsky y la lingüística en general en el desarrollo de ésta. Seguidamente nos explica qué entiende por esquema -cuestión en la que se ha centrado últimamente- y las diferencias entre la concepción piagetiana y la suya. También comenta el concepto de profundidad de procesamiento, la distinción entre memoria episódica y semántica y el estudio del control consciente e inconsciente. La última parte de la entrevista se centra en las relaciones entre el trabajo teórico y el experimental, finalizando con algunas alusiones al camino que deben seguir los psicólogos españoles para contribuir al desarrollo de su disciplina.  相似文献   
The processes underlying psychotherapeutic change have increasingly been emphasized in both research and clinical practice. Nonlinear dynamical systems theory (NDS) offers a transdisciplinary scientific approach to the study of these processes. This paper introduces the NDS concept of “emotional inertia”, the property of human emotion by which it retains its course so long as it is not acted upon by an external force, as a key to understanding moment-by-moment and also longer-term change processes within psychotherapy. A testable mathematical model of emotional inertia is presented that represents specific impacts of psychotherapeutic processes on emotional dynamics over time. Emotional trajectories in phase space, treatment energy, and the interaction between them are the essential elements of the model, and a detailed explanation is provided. Procedures for testing this model are described, such as by tracking the movement of emotion in phase space within and across therapy sessions, along with clinical implications of the model, which can potentially help to make more clear the complementary roles of therapeutic force, timing, and leverage.  相似文献   
This article argues that psychiatric diagnoses are not valid or useful. The use of psychiatric diagnosis increases stigma, does not aid treatment decisions, is associated with worsening long-term prognosis for mental health problems, and imposes Western beliefs about mental distress on other cultures. This article reviews the evidence base focusing in particular on empirical findings in relation to the topics of: aetiology, validity, reliability, treatment and outcome, prognosis, colonialism, and cultural and public policy impact. This evidence points toward diagnostic based frameworks for understanding and intervening in mental health difficulties being unable to either improve our scientific knowledge or improve outcomes in clinical practice and suggests that we need to move away from reliance on diagnostic based approaches for organising research and service delivery. Alternative evidence-based models for organising effective mental health care are available. Therefore formal psychiatric diagnostic systems such as the mental health section of the International Classification of Diseases Tenth Edition (ICD-10) and Diagnostic Statistical Manual Fifth Edition (DSM 5) should be abolished.  相似文献   
The objective of this research study was to assess pharmacological, somatic and/or psychological treatments in adults with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder who have not responded to at least one course of antidepressant medication. We conducted a systematic review to identify systematic scientific reviews and meta-analyses on treatment-resistant depression (TRD) published until February 2012. Of the sixty studies selected, sixteen met the inclusion criteria and were therefore included in the review. We considered eight main themes, including the definition of TRD, long-term results, and different treatment strategies, including so-called somatic therapies. Based on the review, the definition of TRD should be standardized in order to achieve a shared conceptualization of this disorder. This would allow a better understanding among clinicians and researchers in the field, promoting a homogeneous research methodology and thus leading to more reliable and comparable results. This essential conceptual clarification would also have a positive impact on patients with TRD, their families, and social and health systems.  相似文献   
The h-index originates from the assumption that the number of citations received by a scientist is a better indicator of the relevance of his or her work than the number of papers he or she publishes or the journals where they are published. It takes into account the number of papers published and the citations to those papers in a balanced way, and thus is useful to make comparisons between scientists. The present paper addresses the most frequent questions about the h-index. Specifically, it explains its origin, its advantages compared to other indices, the factors that can influence it (e.g. age, field of knowledge, topic of research and language of publication), its variants, and the injustices it may lead to. In short, this paper provides a clear exposition of the hoped-for role of the h-index in the evaluation of scientists: that it serves as a useful complement to other indicators that are more subjective, and that it contributes to the progress of science by aiding decision-making on allocation of research resources in a more effective way, and on rewarding researchers who contribute to scientific progress in a more fair way.  相似文献   
The existing research on students of color in counselor education focuses on the barriers they experience, providing a deficit perspective. Using grounded theory and a critical race theory framework, we studied the racialized experiences of 19 graduate students of color in counselor education. Grounded in participants' voices, we propose a liberatory theory of academic success. Implications for promoting the success of students of color in counselor education and for future critical race theory research are discussed. Las investigaciones hasta la fecha sobre estudiantes de color en programas educativos de consejería se centran en las barreras que afrontan, lo cual ofrece un déficit de perspectiva. Usando un muestreo teórico y un marco de teoría crítica de la raza, estudiamos las experiencias racializadas de 19 estudiantes de posgrado de color en programas educativos de consejería. Basándonos en las voces de los participantes, proponemos una teoría liberatoria de éxito académico. Se discuten las implicaciones para fomentar el éxito de estudiantes de color en programas educativos de consejería y para investigaciones futuras de teoría crítica de la raza.  相似文献   

La teoría de esquemas presenta frente al conductismo un axioma respecto al conocimiento humano que supone su carácter holista o molar, no reducible a una composición de elementos simples. De este carácter molar se deducen características de los esquemas, la más importante la de la existencia de una estructura previa al conocimiento (por contrapartida a la psicología de la simulación en computadora). De todas formas, el carácter ontológico de los esquemas está por esclarecer. Brewer y Nakamura apuntan dos posibilidades: o se trata de estructuras fisiológicas, o bien de conocimientos empíricos anteriores. Sin embargo, parece plausible una naturaleza ontológica combinada, según modelos parecidos a los utilizados por la lingüística chomskiana: estructuras fisiológicas inmaduras que deben ser completadas a través de la adquisición de conocimientos empíricos.  相似文献   
Mental health theory and practice are in a state of significant flux. This theoretical article places the position taken by the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) in the context of current practice and seeks to critically examine some of the key factors that are driving these transformations. The impetus for a complete overhaul of existing thinking comes from the manifestly poor performance of mental health services in which those with serious mental health problems have reduced life expectancy. It advocates using the advances in our understanding of the psychological, social and physical mechanisms that underpin psychological wellbeing and mental distress, and rejecting the disease model of mental distress as part of an outdated paradigm. Innovative research in genetics, neuroscience, psychological and social theory provide the platform for changing the way we conceptualise, formulate and respond to psychological distress at both community and individual levels.  相似文献   
It is imperative that researchers invest time in the planning of their research, and it is certainly essential to stop and seek information before making any kind of decision. The present work sets out to guide psychologists in this crucial task. To this end we begin by suggesting a visit to the APA website, where a great deal of relevant information on most topics can be found, whether it pertains to new and controversial issues or to those on which there is greater consensus. In this regard we shall consider at length the meanings of the expressions “evidence-based practice” and “scientific evidence” and their inherent methodological aspects, from “scientific evidence” contributed by systematic reviews to the way it can be obtained using handbooks and guidelines of inestimable value for the successful completion of our research. All such resources will help researchers to set out their hypotheses correctly, to test them adequately and to analyze the data in the most appropriate and rigorous fashion. In this way, the quality of the research will undoubtedly improve.  相似文献   
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