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In the Critique of Judgement, Kant, despite his strong condemnation of rhetoric, introduces the figure of hypotyposis at the very moment he sets out to tackle the philosophical problem of presentation as such. This study holds that this choice of the rhetorical term is not fortuitous. Its connotations of vivid illustration, synopsis, and moral grandeur serve Kant in arguing that, on a transcendental level, presentation secures the mind's life, unity, and self-affection. Although of rhetorical origin, hypotyposis is thus shown to link up with a specifically philosophical meaning of the term in the writings of Aristotle.  相似文献   
University students participated in one of four standard two-choice signal-detection experiments in which signal presentation probability was varied and the reinforcement distribution was held constant and equal. In Experiments 1, 3 and 4, subjects' performance showed a systematic response bias for reporting the stimulus presented least often. Experiments 1 and 4 showed that this effect was reliable with extended training and monetary, rather than point, reinforcement. In Experiment 2, all correct responses were signaled in some way, and this produced the opposite relationship between signal presentation probability and response bias. Experiments 1 and 3 found that explicitly deducting money (intended as punishment) for equal numbers of incorrect responses on each alternative, or varying the obtained overall rate of reinforcement, produced no clear change in response bias. The bias, shown by humans, for reporting the stimulus presented least often remains a challenge for theories of stimulus detection.  相似文献   
Off-task behavior, correct answering, and participation during beginning reading instruction were recorded for two low-achieving first-grade children during two different rates of teacher presentation. A slow-rate presentation (A) was compared with a fast-rate presentation (B) in an ABABAB design. In slow-rate presentation, there was a delay between the children's response and introduction of the next task. In fast-rate presentation, there was no delay. A new teacher taught during the final AB phases, which allowed for a brief replication. Both teachers were reminded on a fixed-interval 90-sec schedule throughout all phases of the experiment to praise the subjects, thus preventing a confounding of social praise and rate of teacher presentation. Fast-rate presentation was accompanied by a lower per cent occurrence of off-task behavior for both Subjects 1 and 2. For Subject 1, correct answering and participation were more frequent during all three fast-rate phases. For Subject 2, correct answering and participation were more frequent during the fast-rate phases after the first reversal.  相似文献   
汪涛  张琴  张辉  周玲  刘洪深 《心理学报》2012,44(6):841-852
以元认知和双系统模式的心理学理论为背景, 研究了分析式系统对来源国效应的削弱, 检验了产品信息呈现方式对来源国效应的调节作用。三个研究说明, 分析式系统的启动可以有效削弱来源国效应; 特定的产品信息呈现方式所引起的消费者信息处理不流畅性感知会激发消费者的元认知困难, 从而使他们在产品评价过程中主要依赖分析式系统, 达到削弱来源国效应的目的; 并不是所有能引起信息处理不流畅性的产品信息呈现方式都能削弱来源国效应, 过于复杂的呈现方式由于给消费者带来过多认知负荷, 反而不能成功启动分析系统, 从而无法削弱产品来源国形象对消费者产品评价的影响。  相似文献   
以小四、初二和高二年级中有音乐经验和无音乐经验的学生为被试,采用等级量表评定法,通过两个实验,分别在无概念提示和有概念提示的条件下,要求被试对音乐旋律片段的张力进行判断,探讨概念提示和音乐经验对于音乐张力感知的影响。结果发现:(1)音乐张力感知是一个随个体成熟而不断发展的过程,小学四年级到初中二年级之间音乐张力感知变化较大,到高中二年级趋于稳定;音乐训练经验仅对小学四年级被试的音乐张力感知有促进作用;(2)概念提示有助于小学四年级被试对音乐张力概念的理解,而对高二被试无显著促进作用,说明音乐张力概念的掌握  相似文献   
We developed masked visual analysis (MVA) as a structured complement to traditional visual analysis. The purpose of the present investigation was to compare the effects of computer‐simulated MVA of a four‐case multiple‐baseline (MB) design in which the phase lengths are determined by an ongoing visual analysis (i.e., response‐guided) versus those in which the phase lengths are established a priori (i.e., fixed criteria). We observed an acceptably low probability (less than .05) of false detection of treatment effects. The probability of correctly detecting a true effect frequently exceeded .80 and was higher when: (a) the masked visual analyst extended phases based on an ongoing visual analysis, (b) the effects were larger, (c) the effects were more immediate and abrupt, and (d) the effects of random and extraneous error factors were simpler. Our findings indicate that MVA is a valuable combined methodological and data‐analysis tool for single‐case intervention researchers.  相似文献   
杜雪娇  张奇 《心理学报》2016,(11):1445-1454
为了考察"解释法"、"解释-标记法"两种样例设计方法及其"分步呈现"方式对六年级小学生学习代数运算规则的促进作用,以六年级小学生为被试,以"完全平方和"和"平方差"代数运算样例为学习材料,进行了3项实验研究。结果表明:(1)采用"解释法"设计"完全平方和"和"平方差"的代数运算样例,明显提高了代数运算规则的样例学习效果。(2)在"解释法"设计的样例上添加"运算标记"要运用适当,如果运用不当,特别是"运算标记"过多时,容易增加样例学习的认知负荷,从而降低标记的使用效果。(3)对于运算步骤和"运算标记"过多的样例,采用被试自主控制的"分步呈现"运算步骤的样例学习方式,其学习效果显著优于整体呈现样例的学习效果。  相似文献   
3~5岁儿童理解和使用空间表征的特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以96名3~5儿童为被试,采用自编的儿童空间表征实验任务,在语言表征、模型表征和图画表征三种空间表征形式上,考察了儿童理解和使用空间表征的发展特点。结果表明:(1)总体上,3~5岁儿童理解空间表征的发展水平均显著高于使用空间表征的发展水平。(2)3~5岁儿童理解和使用空间表征的发展表现出显著的年龄效应。(3)从不同的空间表证形式来看,3岁儿童理解语言表征的能力与理解模型表征的能力之间差异显著,4岁儿童使用语言表征的能力与使用模型表征的能力之间的差异、使用语言表征的能力与使用图画表征的能力之间的差异、以及使用模型表征的能力与使用图画表征的能力之间的差异都显著,其余形式的空间表征理解之间的差异或空间表征使用之间的差异在各年龄段中均不显著。  相似文献   
随机抽取80名大学生参与实验,采用DRM(Deese-Roediger-Mcdermott)范式,探讨了激活水平和呈现方式对错误记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)在随机呈现条件下,关键诱饵的错误再认率显著低于分组呈现条件,但学过项目的正确再认率在两种条件下无差异。(2)在高激活水平条件下,学过项目的正确再认率明显低于低激活水平条件,但关键诱饵的错误再认率在两种激活条件下的差异不够明显。这表明,呈现方式对关键诱饵的错误再认率有显著影响,而激活水平的影响则不显著。由此可知,人们的记忆可以在没有任何外界信息干扰的情况下因内在联想过程而自发地发生改变。  相似文献   
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