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Jing Liu 《亚洲哲学》2017,27(2):85-99
This essay questions the meaning of be-ing (you 有) and non-be-ing (wu 無) in the DDJ with regard to the root-source (benyuan 本源) meaning of dao. I first explore the meaning of dao as the dark non-be-ing, revealing the connotations of the distinction between dao and things (daowuqufen 道物區分) by comparison with some forms of Western metaphysics. The meaning of non-be-ing is elaborated in terms of the dynamic meanings of xu 虚 and chong 沖; The play between be-ing and non-be-ing is explored through the lens of yin and yang qi thinking. Qi thinking determines the mutually manifest and mutually interpretive characteristic of be-ing and non-be-ing. Be-ing and non-be-ing thus understood is an ever-flowing and mutually transforming process that penetrates the different levels of dao, things and humans. In the last part I investigate the meaning of “Be-ing comes from non-be-ing”.  相似文献   
临床医学七年制学生科研能力培养新模式的探索   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
培养医学七年制学生科研和创新能力,对他们适应21世纪的挑战至关重要,这也是当前医学教育工作者共同关心与探讨的问题.实践中,对培养模式进行了尝试和探索,提出了从实际情况出发,通过合理地安排科研训练的进度,按培养硕士研究生(以下简称研究生)科研能力的要求进行培养的新模式.  相似文献   
《太玄》是一部"谤书"--"刺莽说"新证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代以来,不少学者提出刺莽说,认为<太玄>是一部讥刺新莽的著作.但这些学者的方法,都是从<太玄>中找出只言片语,比附西汉末年的事实以成其说.对于其论据何以成立,缺乏进一步论证,其主张遂多不能成立.本文结合西汉末年盛行的五德终始之说,以<太玄>传文为根据,认为<太玄>确实是刺莽之作,刺莽说的成立,在<太玄>中可以找到内证,并结合<剧秦美新>、<解嘲>、<法言>等文章,对此加以补充.  相似文献   
郭彧 《周易研究》2004,(3):39-45
本文以朱震所列周敦颐<太极图>"动阳"二字的标注为突破口,对比杨甲<六经图>、<道藏·周易图>所列及朱熹改造等诸流变图,结合周敦颐<太极图易说>及<易通>的文字叙述,考证了周敦颐<太极图>的原貌.笔者认为,对<周氏太极图>的考辨,应从其"流变"人手,进而求得其图之原貌,然后方可进入考证其图之来源.文中指出:周敦颐以太极为一气,主太极有动静而生阳生阴之说,而朱熹则以太极为一理,而"理不会自动静",动静只是阴阳自身之动静,出于建立其理学系统的需要,便有意对杨甲所列<周氏太极图>进行了改造.于是,通过比较二人太极观之不同,便可从中分辨<太极图>原图与改造图之间的差别,从而分析其二人各自的理学思想.  相似文献   
王威威 《管子学刊》2004,(3):29-32,42
黄老学在中国古代思想史和政治实践中都曾产生过重大影响。但对于其根本思想特征学界并没有一致的看法,以致于引起许多思想家关于其学派归属的争论。学界比较传统的方法是按照现存被认为是黄老学的著作来概括黄老学的特征,这一方法既缺乏确定性又不能避免循环论证的嫌疑。本文脱离黄老著作的文本,从“黄老”这一名称的含义、史籍中对于“黄老”的记载以及司马谈《论六家要指》中对道家思想特征的概括三个方面相互印证,得出黄老思想的两个主要特征:“道”的社会性倾向和清静无为的思想。清静无为的思想又可表达为虚静、因、刑名学说几个方面。  相似文献   
易学史上对《太玄》与孟京易学关系的探究,受到两个有争议问题的影响:一是《易纬.稽览图》和孟京《易》的先后关系,一是《太玄》源于孟京《易》还是源于《易纬》。本文以《太玄》为基点,在尝试解决"争议"的基础上,具体探究《太玄》象数构建如何取于孟、京卦气说,其义理阐释又如何别于孟、京灾异说。  相似文献   
本文通过对上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书《周易·字》卦卦名与爻辞中之“字”字的考释,证明传世本(周易·需)卦卦名与爻辞中之“需”字的原始意义,同《易传·序卦》所言“物稚不可不养也,故受之以需”较为接近,其要义为怀柔养善;马王堆汉墓帛书《六十四卦》之《襦》卦的“襦”字与马王堆汉墓帛书佚文《易之义》的《襦》卦之“嬬”字,均为“需”的通假字,而“需”字的形与义不是卦画之象所为。  相似文献   
《序卦》研究辨析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文就唐宋以来对通行本《序卦》的义理与象数两个方面的研究进行了综述,对各种研究的结果进行了考辨。并在前人研究的基础上提出了个人的看法,指出似乎从当时《易经》成书及揲蓍变卦等方面考虑《序卦》之卦序安排,则可能会得到令人信服的结果。  相似文献   
The rationale of this article is to review, analyze, and discuss studies concerning the role of Tai Chi in stress management and well-being, linking those studies to research on exercise, yoga, and relaxation with regard to physiological and psychological wellness. All studies reported in PsychLit and Medline between 1996 and 1999 directly related to the subject, plus other studies relevant for the analysis, are addressed in this review. Studies reviewed in this article characterize Tai Chi as a form of moderate exercise. Although Tai Chi may not be suitable for achieving aerobic fitness, it may enhance flexibility and overall psychological well-being. Cognitively, there are indications that Tai Chi exercise may lead to improvements in mood. However, it is not clear whether the positive effects of Tai Chi are due solely to its relaxation and meditation component, or whether they are the consequence of various peripheral factors, since it is known that stress reduction often occurs when we indulge in activities we find pleasurable and satisfying. An important finding is that all studies on the benefits of Tai Chi for senior adults have revealed positive results.  相似文献   
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