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A prospective study of 94 Dutch adults who have casual sexual partners examined whether two important aspects of safe sex, namely bringing up condom use (BCU) and actual condom use (ACU) are intentional or habitual. For each of these aspects, a model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB: Ajzen, 1991) was pitted against a similar model that was extended with a path from past to later BCU and ACU, respectively. The results suggest that bringing up the issue of condom use was equally predicted by intentions and past BCU. However, among people with casual partners, using condoms - and more importantly not using condoms - was especially predicted by past ACU, suggesting a strong habitual component. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for safe sex education and the use of theories in safe sex promotion campaigns.  相似文献   
为了考察实验室指导性与个体习惯性情绪调控策略对恐惧反应的影响,先使用问卷调查了81名大学生的习惯性重评与抑制水平,随后将被试分为两组,指导其在条件化恐惧习得过程中进行主动的情绪调节或自然观看,24h后进行恐惧的表达测试。结果发现,习惯性抑制水平与恐惧习得及表达水平呈显著负相关,且指导性情绪调节与习惯性抑制均显著降低了恐惧习得及表达水平。这提示指导性与习惯性情绪调节策略均能够削弱应激的伤害以保护个体。  相似文献   
习惯性反应指学习者根据自身阅读习惯来进行学习时间分配,它通常由词对位置这一外部线索激发。研究运用眼动记录技术,采用Metcalfe范式探讨词对位置和难度对学习时间分配的影响,以检验自定步调学习时间的习惯性反应。结果发现:(1)在自定步调总学习时间上,学习者倾向于对难度越大的项目分配越多的学习时间;(2)在前期自定步调学习进程上,当词对位置为易-中-难条件时,学习者倾向于优先在容易项目上分配较多的学习时间,接着是中等难度项目,最后是困难项目;当词对位置为难-中-易条件时,结果相反。这说明学习者的自定步调总学习时间受项目难度驱动,而前期自定步调学习时间受习惯性反应影响。  相似文献   
冲动性是一种缺乏充分思考、不顾后果的冒险行为或行为倾向, 它既表现在人格特质中, 也会表现为各类环境中的行为。成瘾者具有典型的冲动性特征, 但成瘾者的冲动性是如何影响和促进成瘾行为的发生、发展, 目前还并不明朗。从成瘾形成的不同阶段, 也许可以对此有更进一步的了解。在药物使用的开始阶段, 冲动性人格特质作为动机原因, 促进成瘾物质的首次使用; 接着操作性条件学习导致用药者进入“目标-导向”阶段, 呈现出选择冲动性。第三阶段, 经典条件学习又使相关线索和药物效应不断匹配, 形成条件反射性药物使用行为。成瘾者进入习惯性用药阶段, 表现出显著的停止冲动性。  相似文献   
作为学习时间分配研究热点的基于议程调节模型认为,学习者是在学习目标的指导下,建构并执行议程来进行学习时间分配。议程即学习计划,是学习时间分配的驱动力。该模型强调学习者在自我调节学习过程中有意识的进行着学习效益最大化的权衡决策来实现学习目标,包容了以往学习时间分配的经典理论。大量的新近研究支持了基于议程调节模型,并深入地探讨了议程驱动与习惯性反应之间的关系。 未来的研究应进一步考察学习时间分配权衡过程中的意识和无意识双加工机制,探讨个体变量对学习时间分配议程建构的权衡机制的影响,并在更加生态化的情境中考察学习时间分配议程建构的权衡机制。  相似文献   
In Phenomenology of Perception,both intellectualism and empiricism were blamed for not grasping consciousness in the act of learning.This was,Merleau-Ponty thought,due to an objective volatilizing of the subjective role of the lived body in perception.In order to overcome the difficulties in the tradition of learning and the philosophy of consciousness,Merleau-Ponty's next important step was to take maximal grip as a central case of learning.To him,learning as being-in-the-world,basically has to be sketched out in embodied and socially contextualized situations.Drawing upon this asymmetrical identity from Merleau-Ponty,our argument in this paper is that leaming is best understood as a phenomenon that involves the leamer's engagement with the world and her intention to make sense of its structures.A new perspective is thus employed to present learning as an embodied and socially embedded phenomenon,which is always projected by habitual experience and involves transcendence.These characteristics of learning are brought together in an integral and comprehensive way and have relevance to studies of learning in institutions and in daily experience.  相似文献   
适当的午睡可以缓解我们午后的疲劳感,提高午后心境状态、觉醒状态;对于进行了正常夜眠的个体而言,习惯性午睡行为并不是对夜眠不足的补偿;短时午睡对恢复正常体个体身心状态有着积极的效果;然而,越来越多的研究也发现,午睡对记忆也有一定的整合作用。午睡中慢波睡眠对陈述性记忆的整合起着重要作用,此外,二期睡眠纺锤波对陈述性记忆及程序性记忆的整合也起着一定的作用。利用午睡探讨睡眠对记忆的整合作用及机制,可能是未来研究的方向  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to investigate whether homicidal spouse abuse offenders with a low blood glucose nadir in glucose tolerance test (GTT) showed more instances of repeated and severe aggression and criminality than counterparts with more normal GTTs. An attempt was also made to determine whether personality profiles on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) differentiated between the groups. Altogether, 60 male homicidal offenders were studied. Those with low values had been repeatedly violent and impulsive under the influence of alcohol in relationships but also outside the home. The homicidal act usually occurred under the influence of alcohol with no clear recollection. These offenders had normal MMPI but some of them showed motor restlessness and irritability during the GTTs. The possible connections with enhanced glucose and abnormal brain serotonin metabolism among habitually violent and impulsive offenders are discussed.  相似文献   
采用眼动记录技术,操作三种词对位置,探讨议程与习惯性反应对学习时间分配的影响。实验一设置无时间限制条件,结果发现,20名大学生被试均优先选择左边的项目,项目的自定步调学习时间不存在词对位置效应。结果表明,被试的习惯性反应影响项目选择,不影响自定步调学习时间。实验二设置有时间限制条件,结果发现,20名大学生被试均优先选择容易项目并分配更多的时间学习容易项目,且容易项目的选择存在词对位置效应。结果表明,议程驱动主导被试的项目选择和自定步调学习时间,但不能完全消除习惯性反应对项目选择的影响。  相似文献   
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