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燕国材 《心理学报》1993,26(4):94-101
该文较系统地论述了孟子的普通心理思想。主要问题是:心理学思想的基本观点,知虑心理思想,情欲心理思想,志意心理思想,智能心理思想,性习心理思想。  相似文献   
中小学四种典型类型学生人格特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究考察了中小学普遍存在的四种典型类型学生:A型学生、B型学生、C型学生和D型学生。这四种类型的学生在智力和非智力因素上存在差异;慎密性、克制性和显示性是影响中小学生学习质量和品德行为表现的重要人格特征。  相似文献   
One of the most influential arguments in favour of perdurantism is the Argument from Vagueness. The argument proceeds in three stages: The first aims to establish atemporal universalism. The second presents a parallel argument in favour of universalism in the context of temporalized parthood (‘diachronic universalism’). The third argues that diachronic universalism entails perdurantism. I offer a novel objection to the argument. I show that on the correct way of formulating diachronic universalism the principle does not entail perdurantism. On the other hand, if diachronic universalism is formulated as Sider (incorrectly) proposes, the argument fails to establish his principle, and thus perdurantism.  相似文献   
孟喜为西汉象数易的创建人,其易学后人称之为“卦气”。卦气乃结合“学”与“术”成一结构庞大的思想体系。就学而言,乃承受先秦伏、文、孔三圣的易学精神;就术而言,乃用于当时流行的占断灾异、吉凶及祸福。然而后世易学界受儒学重经思想的影响,多轻视象数,以“术家”视孟喜。作者兹特提出孟氏卦气中对于六十四卦卦序之排列。并详作象敷之解析,以见孟氏易学实具有学术思想之价值。  相似文献   
文王卦位是以中国原有的时空观念为基础,适应占筮需要形成的.最迟在西周之时,先后形成了四时与四方相配的时空统一观念,以及五行顺次相生观念.文王卦位的安排,首先是将四时与四方相配延展为八个时段与八方一一相配,然后据八卦的卦象、卦德排定其时位与方位,理解时位是理解卦位的关键.在卦位的安排中,很可能已考虑到五行的循环相生.这种卦位说形成于古经<周易>成书前,<易经>在观象系辞中利用了这种卦位说.  相似文献   
依据墨家学说主旨、队伍组织、从事工作,特别是社会作用的不同,可将战国时期墨家学派的发展分为兴盛(公元前444年至公元前381年)、衰败(公元前381年至公元前311年)、转型(公元前311年至公元前250年)、重兴(公元前250年至公元前221年)四个阶段.兴盛阶段,墨家着力游说诸侯、传播学说、制止攻战、助弱国守城;衰败阶段,墨家学派分化内斗,三派弟子活动转型;转型阶段,“谈辩派”后学热衷于空言思辨,“说书派”后学被视为与儒家同类,“从事派”后学对“任侠之风”产生重大影响;重兴阶段,墨家学派声势复盛,“说书派”后学的宣传,“从事派”后学对墨家精神的继承,“谈辩派”后学与儒家、法家的尖锐争辩,都产生了重大社会影响.  相似文献   
从竹简看所谓数字卦问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴勇 《周易研究》2006,(4):43-48
关于所谓数字卦的说法,从1978年张政烺先生提出后,逐渐成为一种公认的说法。然而从竹简发现来看,数字卦说法是错误的。组成这些所谓数字卦的符号,并不是数字。对竹简易卦符号的研究,应注意区别经文与实占,经文只用卦画,而实占则可能用到记四象的符号。  相似文献   
This essay discusses the possibility of conceptualizing a Confucian notion of human dignity. Previous discussions on this topic have been either historical or reconstructive, the former discussing mainly how Confucianism considers dignity and the latter exploring the possibility of conceptualizing a Confucian human dignity as an alternative to Kant’s Menschenwürde. This essay focuses on mainly the latter effort. Specifically, I critically evaluate professor Ni Peimin’s celebrated attempt at reconstructing Confucian dignity in the context of Kant’s Menschenwürde, arguing that Ni’s work offers us novel and original insights on human dignity but fails to be coherent in several senses. On the other hand, Kant’s Menschenwürde may well lack motivation in particular circumstances, and gives no credit to moral efforts. Building upon this criticism, I further Ni’s discussion of the “four hearts” and propose a revised version of Confucian dignity.  相似文献   
本研究采用随意学习的实验范式,探讨了结句中是否包含比喻性成语以及被试的工作记忆容量大小对文章段落回忆成绩的影响.实验中所有被试被要求阅读6个说明体的文章段落,然后接受一个有提示的回忆测验.研究发现(1)所有被试对结句中包含比喻性成语的段落回忆成绩比结句中没有比喻性成语的段落好.(2)结句中是否包含比喻性成语和被试工作记忆容量之间存在着交互作用.若结句中包含比喻性成语,段落的回忆成绩不受被试工作记忆容量的制约,反之则会.这些结果可能表明,比喻性成语的某些特点,如形象性或易记性,作为一种辅助手段促进了被试对文章内容的记忆、保持和回忆.  相似文献   
As a social and political thought, communitarian ideas appeared in the Pre-Qin Confucianism. By the Song Dynasty, it had become a systematic theory, namely, the learning of the “four books.” As a social and political theory, not only can Confucian communitarianism contribute to Western liberalism, but it can also be an intellectual resource for the development of democracy in East Asian countries and regions. The future of the Confucian communitarianism lies in its critique of itself and its discourse with Western liberalism, by which Confucianism evolves from communitarianism into liberalism. __________ Translated from Wenshizhe 文史哲 (Literature, History and Philosophy), 2006, (4): 31–37  相似文献   
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