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A left-handed metamaterial (a YIG/Ag composite with adjustable negative permittivity and permeability) was prepared by an in situ synthesis process, and its characterisation, microstructure, electrical conductivity, dielectric loss and magnetic properties studied. A negative permittivity behaviour with a Fano-like resonance is ascribed to plasma oscillation of delocalised electrons from silver conducting networks. As the silver content increases, the turbine loss increases, which greatly enhances the electromagnetic wave consumption capacity inside the material and leads to a stronger electromagnetic absorption and shielding performance. The dielectric loss near the percolation threshold is due to the combined effects of polarisation and conduction. The capacitive character is responsible for positive permittivity, and the inductive character leads to negative permittivity. LC resonance results in the Fano-like resonance, leading to the permittivity changing from negative to positive. Gyromagnetic spin rotation, domain wall motion and percolation characteristic of YIG/Ag composites cause frequency dispersion of the permeability. The YIG/Ag composite with double negative characteristics provides prospects for electromagnetic shielding application.  相似文献   
生长激素(GH)是出生后主要刺激生长的激素,GH相当高比例的促生长作用是由胰岛素样生长因子-I(IGF—I)介导完成的。不同的代谢功能如碳水化合物和脂类代谢也受GH的直接影响。GH还对心血管及大脑有影响,本文拟对其分泌机制及作用和对心血管及大脑的影响作一综述。  相似文献   
Freud introduced the concept of psychical reality as a consequence of abandoning the theory of seduction, and although this meant a turning point in his theoretical thinking he never defined the concept concisely and systematically. Thus it is possible to delineate at least two meanings of psychical reality that run through Freud´s writings as well as the writings of contemporary analysts. On the one hand psychical reality encompasses the whole field of subjective experiences. On the other, it is understood more narrowly as a transformation of experiences in the unconscious.

Substituting the idea of different meanings ascribed to Freud´s concept this article proposes to differentiate between levels in the psyche with the main focus on the unconscious level of the dream and of phantasy and the real unconscious. Starting from the most superficial level of subjective reality the text moves to that of fantasy formation illustrated by primarily Freud´s text on `A child is being beaten´. Adding Laplanche´s translational model the article ends up at the deepest level represented by the late Lacan and his concept of the real Unconscious.

The paper concludes that the term real points to something exceeding symbolization and the imaginary—thus escaping comprehension—and yet is absolutely indispensable to the organization of unconscious processes.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to suggest an integrative formulation of obsessive symptomatology, based on the integration of Lacanian and object‐relations points of view. This formulation manifests a singular interaction between three aspects of obsessive symptomatology, which I call “the metaphorical aspect”, “the metonymical aspect” and “the psychotic aspect”, and which are intertwined with a varying degree of dominance. The singular interaction between them has crucial influence on the capacity for symbolization and reflection, and therefore has immense implications concerning analytical work. The theoretical formulation will be followed by a detailed analytical illustration.  相似文献   
The molecular interactions in binary mixtures of anisole with o-chlorophenol and o-cresol have been studied at three different temperatures using dielectric measurements. The static permittivity and the permittivity at optical frequency have also been determined and used to obtain the Kirkwood correlation factors, the Bruggeman parameter, the excess permittivity and the excess free energy for different concentrations of two binary mixtures, namely (1) anisole + o-chlorophenol and (2) anisole + o-cresol. Using the effective Kirkwood correlation factor, parallel and anti-parallel alignments among the dipoles are identified. The corrective Kirkwood correlation factor, the excess permittivity and the Bruggeman parameter are used to explain the interaction between unlike molecules. The temperature dependences of the above parameters are also reported. The investigation shows systematic changes in the dielectric behaviour with variations in concentration and temperature.  相似文献   
Hatred is known to be a common phenomenon and a lot has been written about this affect. However, the author believes that the more we read and write about hate the further away we find ourselves from a real sense of understanding of this so familiar and yet so elusive experience. She feels that using a single concept to describe ‘hatred’ seems to be a simplification of the matter, since it consists of a chain of affects that does not lend itself to easy theoretical or experiential distinction. In this paper the author aims at ‘knowing’ the experience of hatred as the individual's reaction to an unbearable existential excess, that is, as the psychic attempt to handle an emotional profusion in the context of human relation and in relation to it. The emotional abundance that the psyche cannot contain and process by itself is dealt with by the defensive use of simplification, detachment and distancing. An attempt is made to understand the relation between psychic existing and hatred, between craving, desiring and hate, between passionate aliveness‐or a passion to live‐ and the difficulty in containing the excessive dimension of it. The author illustrates her thesis through a reading of Tolstoy's ‘Kreutzer sonata’ as a monologue of hatred.  相似文献   
An in-depth case study was undertaken to assess the effects of what Kitwood has termed ‘malignant social psychology’ on the observed behaviour of an Alzheimer's disease sufferer. Interviews were conducted with the spouse and observations were made in an adult day-care centre, where staff members were also interviewed. Abilities that the spouse reported to be absent at home were readily observed at the day-care centre, lending support to Brody's idea of excess disability, i.e. disability not due to disease alone. Furthermore, forms of malignant social psychology existed in the home environment but did not exist in the day-care centre. Excess disability and its absence coincided with the presence and absence of aspects of malignant social psychology. The sufferer's behaviour was found to be affected not only by the extant neuropathology, but also by social relationships.  相似文献   
小过卦依托卦象固有的等级框架,或取象比况,或直陈其事,揭示出当时社会的许多道理,其中包含了丰富的辩证法因素.<易>作者以为家事是小事,国事是大事,小事可以"过",大事不可以"过",这是尊君.这些思想见解是维护周王朝的统治和大一统思想的体现."过"的概念,实际上是哲学上"度"与"量"的问题.任何事物都有"度"和"量".本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理.  相似文献   
In this paper the author describes her work with a woman who, in her mid 20s, sought analysis for her non‐vomiting binge eating disorder. The paper explores how two aspects of Jung's view of the psyche as healthily dissociable were used to think about the potential for change contained within the explosive, aggressive energies in this patient's bingeing. The resultant approach takes the patient's splitting defences, dissociations and self‐destructive behaviour as a point of access to her unconscious. Seen in this way, these behaviours contain the seeds of recovery and are the starting point for analysis rather than defences against it. The paper also brings a number of Jungian and post‐Jungian ideas into conversation with aspects of contemporary thinking about subjectivity, identity and the longing for excess developed by Leo Bersani and Judith Butler.  相似文献   
This paper brings together contemporary thinking about early attachment and affect regulation with our clinical and theoretical understanding of the problems of adult sexuality. In addition to recent theories of affect regulation and attachment, we incorporate Laplanche's idea of ‘excess’, which was an important transitional concept integrating real experience with fantasy in sexuality. We elaborate the idea of excess –‐ ‘too‐muchness’ –‐ to illuminate the early overwhelming of the psyche that affects the formation of sexuality. Linked to recent theoretical developments, this idea helps to grasp the relationship between sexual excitement and early affect regulation, showing how excitement becomes dangerous, thus impeding or distorting desire. The ‘too‐muchness’ of excitement recalls the experience of being a stimulated, overwhelmed, unsoothed child and influences later inability to tolerate sexual arousal and the excitement affect. A clinical case illustrates this connection between attachment trauma, anxiety about sexuality, as well as shameful experiences of gender identity as an area of trauma. We emphasize the importance of working through the terrors and desires of the mother–baby relationship as they emerge in the transference–countertransference in order to develop the ability to hold excitement and stimulation without experiencing the too‐much as the intolerable. This includes the working‐through of ruptures related to overstimulation as well as the delicate balance of attention to fantasy and intersubjective work in the transference.  相似文献   
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