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《尚书》、《左传》、《国语》的心理学思想研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《尚书》、《左传》、《国语》是我国最古老的三部文献。我国古代的心理学思想有不少都可以在其中找到源头。本文主要讨论:《尚书》的五行观念、人贵论和人性论思想、认知心理思想、个性心理思想、心理测验思想;《左传》的情感心理思想、病理心理思想、文艺心理思想;《国语》的缺陷心理思想。  相似文献   
本文从现代心理学角度考察了唯识学之心法八识所建构的认识结构。  相似文献   
基于太极代数,本文证明八卦是八个逻辑范式,八卦中包含四对矛盾关系,其中"六子"构成辩证逻辑组。八卦是生命生产和思想生产都必须共同遵循的变化法则。学界似有这样的倾向,以为《周易》中只有类推逻辑而没有演绎逻辑,本文证明这种观点是不能成立的。八卦本质上就是演绎逻辑的,卦象的本质是逻辑法则。因此,基于卦象的联想或推理不能脱离八卦的逻辑内涵;否则,想象的灵活性必将导致卦象上的混淆,甚至使八卦沦为象数游戏的工具。  相似文献   
文王卦位是以中国原有的时空观念为基础,适应占筮需要形成的.最迟在西周之时,先后形成了四时与四方相配的时空统一观念,以及五行顺次相生观念.文王卦位的安排,首先是将四时与四方相配延展为八个时段与八方一一相配,然后据八卦的卦象、卦德排定其时位与方位,理解时位是理解卦位的关键.在卦位的安排中,很可能已考虑到五行的循环相生.这种卦位说形成于古经<周易>成书前,<易经>在观象系辞中利用了这种卦位说.  相似文献   
对于八卦与五行两种理论体系结合的根据,学界尚未进行深入研究。针对两种理论各自的特点,依据有关的史料,“象”和“四方四季”可能是导致八卦与五行结合的两个原因。不能简单地用阴阳的概念代表八卦,阴阳是五行和八卦两者共同的理论基础。  相似文献   
This paper introduces the Eight Dimensional Methodology for Innovative Thinking (the Eight Dimensional Methodology), for innovative problem solving, as a unified approach to case analysis that builds on comprehensive problem solving knowledge from industry, business, marketing, math, science, engineering, technology, arts, and daily life. It is designed to stimulate innovation by quickly generating unique “out of the box” unexpected and high quality solutions. It gives new insights and thinking strategies to solve everyday problems faced in the workplace, by helping decision makers to see otherwise obscure alternatives and solutions. Daniel Raviv, the engineer who developed the Eight Dimensional Methodology, and paper co-author, technology ethicist Rosalyn Berne, suggest that this tool can be especially useful in identifying solutions and alternatives for particular problems of engineering, and for the ethical challenges which arise with them. First, the Eight Dimensional Methodology helps to elucidate how what may appear to be a basic engineering problem also has ethical dimensions. In addition, it offers to the engineer a methodology for penetrating and seeing new dimensions of those problems. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the Eight Dimensional Methodology as an analytical tool for thinking about ethical challenges to engineering, the paper presents the case of the construction of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) on Mount Graham in Arizona. Analysis of the case offers to decision makers the use of the Eight Dimensional Methodology in considering alternative solutions for how they can proceed in their goals of exploring space. It then follows that same process through the second stage of exploring the ethics of each of those different solutions. The LBT project pools resources from an international partnership of universities and research institutes for the construction and maintenance of a highly sophisticated, powerful new telescope. It will soon mark the erection of the world’s largest and most powerful optical telescope, designed to see fine detail otherwise visible only from space. It also represents a controversial engineering project that is being undertaken on land considered to be sacred by the local, native Apache people. As presented, the case features the University of Virginia, and its challenges in consideration of whether and how to join the LBT project consortium. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology” meeting, New Orlenas, 2003 and at the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) annual Meeting, 2003.  相似文献   
佛教的宗旨是众善奉行诸恶莫作,认为人的先天本性无分善恶,亲近善知识能形成善的心理,亲近恶知识会形成恶的心理。佛教相信善有善报恶有恶报,鼓励人们行善积德。佛教认为欲望是恶的根源,控制欲望,通过戒定慧、八正道等方式能达到善的心理状态。佛教关于善的先天本性的观点、善恶形成的思想以及善的自我修养方法符合心理学的有关规律。佛教的崇善理念及善的修养思想对于构建社会主义核心价值观的友善价值准则具有积极意义。  相似文献   
用<说卦传>的八卦方位说或汉易卦气说去解说<周易>坤卦卦辞,都会遇到岁时和方位逆行的问题,这是违背八卦方位与卦气原理的.这表明有学者据帛书<易之义>中"岁之义"的说法推断<周易>本经中有卦气思想的看法是行不通的.细考帛书原文,其"岁之义,始于东北,成于西南"一句其实本非解说坤辞"西南得朋,东北丧朋"的,而是解说初六爻辞的.而就爻辞"履霜坚冰至"一语本身而言,我们无法从中看出什么方位问题,传本<易传>亦无此类解读,故帛书有关"岁之义"的说法只能视为帛书制作时代的观念.  相似文献   
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