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作为北宋时代的洛党领袖,程颐倾其毕生心血所努力追求的就是一种含弘、宽容、合理的社会存在,企图依据易学原理,找到一条由内圣而开出外王的统一之道,达到内圣与外王的贯通,表现出作为儒者“以忧患之心,思忧患之故”的强烈的人文关怀和现实关怀。本文从三个方面一窥程颐丰富的政治思想和同时代的王安石一样,程颐主张改革北宋弊政,提出“革天下之弊,新天下之治”的主张。但在改革的指导思想上二人有很大分歧;在肯定集权君主的前提下,程颐主张对君权进行限制,君臣之间要推诚相待,任用“刚明之臣”格君心之非”;举贤、任贤的前提是养贤,刑罚和教化为养贤提供条件,刑罚齐其众,教化善其俗。程颐更重视教化的作用,因为通过教化可以达到他心目中的理想社会。  相似文献   
雍树墅 《周易研究》2020,(1):98-104
朱熹的琴律理论主要包括运用三分损益法的生律思路计算五音十二律与古琴徽位、琴上三准的掐断率并对其进行划分等。朱熹琴律理论中的儒家乐教思想主要体现在通过琴律以维护君臣关系,即论五音十二律以维护君臣关系、论琴上三准以区分君子与小人、论调弦之法以求五声伦序顺置等。他的乐教思想是以“理”为核心所生发出的一种音乐哲学思想:以“天理”作为乐教思想的理论依据,以“中和”作为乐教思想的心性基础,以“致知”作为乐教思想的最终归宿。  相似文献   
刘完素是金元四大家之首,创立火热病机,也是金元医家引易人医的第一人.刘氏认为"医教源自伏羲",医学和易学在根本原理上是一致的.所以医家应该知易,知易则医理更明.刘氏自觉地站在医易相通的立场来建立其医学理论体系.他不仅以易理阐释医学的基本道理,而且把易学"燥万物者莫乎火"和"润物者莫润乎水"之理作为其论火热病病机和治疗的基础.刘氏在医易学史上应该占有重要地位.  相似文献   
The opening years of the century saw in America the increasing visibility of observant Muslim stand-up comics who engaged with the various realities affecting their community. The material they have produced is not exclusively aimed at the larger American society: a considerable part of it is designed for ‘inner’ purposes. Acknowledging the versatility of the genre, this article focuses on insider–insider relations and offers a discourse analysis of six practicing American Muslim comedians' material in order to highlight their endeavor to edify the American Muslim community and elevate their coreligionists to a determined ideal of Islam. The artists under consideration are Azhar Usman, Preacher Moss, Mohammed Amer, Azeem Muhammad, Baba Ali, and Omar Regan. The selection of iterative subjects in the comedians' jokes puts forward some of the community's priorities and its current state of affairs.  相似文献   
《文言传》为何以“文言”名篇,历代学者论述各异。陈鼓应“文”本于“天地之文”的观点颇有启发性,但过于简略。“天地之文”是“文言”之“文”取义所本。《易》中有天地之文,亦有人文。天地之文即天地生物、成物之象,人文是圣王法天牧民,使天地生机昌茂、万有和谐有序之象。《文言传》以“文德”贯通天地之文与人文、天地之道与人道。“文德”即易道生生之德,其所反映的深层精神品质即“仁”。乾坤二卦作为生生之本,最为集中地体现了生生之易道、天人贯通之“文德”,故阐释乾坤二卦德义之辞题曰“文言”。  相似文献   
Ira Newman 《Philosophia》2008,36(1):43-54
Philosophers have often applied a distinctively epistemic framework to the question of how moral knowledge can be derived from fictional literature, by considering how true propositions, or their argumentative support, can be the cognitive fruits of reading works of fiction. I offer an alternative approach. I focus not on whether readers fail to assent to the truth of a proposition or fail to provide it rational support. Instead, I focus on how readers fail to accord a truth (which they already accept) adequate importance in their web of beliefs about living a good human life. This is a form of ignorance, but in the form of neglect, or failure to pay proper regard – which is one sense of the term ‘forgetfulness’. I argue that works of fictional literature may, at times, stimulate audience members to overcome their own particular forms of forgetfulness in this respect. And I use Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich as a case in point.
Ira NewmanEmail:
Edification 教化 is one of the central concepts of Confucianism. The metaphysical basis of the Confucian edification is the “philosophical theory” in the sense of rational humanism rather than the “religious doctrine” in the sense of pure faith. Confucianism did not create a system of ceremony and propriety owned by Confucians only. The system of ceremony and propriety on which Confucians depend to carry out their social edification is that of “rites and music,” the common life style of ancient China. After continual metaphysical explanation and elevation, the system of ceremony and propriety and that of rites and music have undergone a sort of ever-evolving historical fluctuation, and evinced a sort of openness and forgiveness comparable to that of any other religious form. Compared with typical religious practices, whose ceremonies and rituals that have their own special fixity and exclusivity, Confucian ceremonies and rituals are fundamentally different. The edification of Confucianism can be labeled as “edification in the sense of philosophy.” As a “philosophy”, Confucianism’s vision did not focus on cognition but on completion and realization. Translated by Lei Yongqiang from Tianjin Shehui Kexue 天津社会科学 (Tianjin Social Sciences), 2005, (6): 19–26  相似文献   
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