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大学生心理压力感量表编制理论及其信、效度研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本研究在对心理压力感理论维度分析的基础上,编制了大学生心理压力感量表。量表的因素分析结果表明:(1)大学生心理压力主要有两方面,一是个人自身压力包括家庭压力、适应压力、健康压力、恋爱压力、自卑压力和挫折压力:一是社会环境压力包括人际压力、择业压力、情绪压力、学校环境压力和学业压力。(2)通过信、效度检验,大学生心理压力感量表的理论维度结构合理,具有良好的信度,达到心理测量学的相关要求。(3)心理压力感量表的各维度对大学生的心理健康水平具有良好的预测作用,可以作为评估大学生心理压力水平的有效测量工具。  相似文献   
本研究以现代教育心理学体系为框架,采用资料整理法,对梁启超的学习心理学思想进行了分析归纳。从中可以看出,梁启超重视学习兴趣,并把无所为、不息、深入研究、找朋友作为保持兴趣的方法;认为做学问的人应具备明敏、密察、别裁、通方等能力和忠实、深切、敬慎、不倦的习惯;并总结出了立志、善观、持敬、明义理、养成读书兴趣等学习方法。  相似文献   
In some cases, you may release someone from some obligation they have to you. For instance, you may release them from a promise they made to you, or an obligation to repay money they have borrowed from you. But most take it as clear that, if you have an obligation to someone else, you cannot in any way release yourself from that obligation. I shall argue the contrary. The issue is important because one standard problem for the idea of having duties to oneself relies on the impossibility of self-release. The argument (the ‘Release Argument’) is that a duty to oneself would be a duty from which one could release oneself, but that this is an absurdity, and so there can be no duties to oneself. This argument is to be rejected because a duty from which one can release oneself is perfectly possible, and such release occurs quite properly from time to time.  相似文献   
This paper challenges the idea that there is a natural opposition between self-interest and morality. It does by developing an account of self-love according to which we can have self-regarding reasons that (1) differ substantially from the standard conception of self-interest and that (2) share enough crucial features with moral reasons to count as morally respectable.The argument involves three steps. The first step concentrates on the idea of a moral point of view as a means to distinguish between reasons that could be morally respectable and those we have reason to distrust as not morally respectable. The second step discusses Harry Frankfurt's work on love, in order to develop an attitude of selfless love as a source of morally respectable reasons. The third step introduces the idea of an alternative of oneself to show that selfless self-love is a coherent conception of an attitude that provides one with self-regarding and self-grounded reasons that are also morally respectable.  相似文献   
小剂量酒精伤害驾驶行为的时序效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
乐竞泓 《心理科学》2001,24(4):412-414
酒后开车普遍存在并致交通肇事居高不下的现实,对法定酒精限量的科学性提出质疑.本实验在多数国家交通法规采用的体内血液酒精水平BAL<0.5‰的标准以下,设计三项任务对12名被试在酒前酒后四段时间内的行为实施测试,结果表明个体无法准确估计安全的酒精摄入量;小剂量酒精仍具有伤害行为的效应;酒精影响依行为复杂程度呈现时序效应.  相似文献   
In his later writings on ethics Foucault argues that rapport à soi – the relationship to oneself – is what gives meaning to our commitment to ‘moral behaviour’. In the absence of rapport à soi, Foucault believes, ethical adherence collapses into obedience to rules (‘an authoritarian structure’). I make a case, in broadly Levinasian terms, for saying that the call of ‘the other’ is fundamental to ethics. This prompts the question whether rapport à soi fashions an ethical subject who is unduly self-concerned. Here we confront two apparently irreconcilable pictures of the source of moral demands. I describe one way of trying to reconcile them from a Foucaultian perspective, and I note the limitations in the attempt. I also try to clear away what I think to be a misunderstanding on Foucault’s part about what is at stake in the choice between these pictures. To clarify my critique of Foucault, I also relate it to a similar recent critique of virtue ethics by Thomas Hurka.
Christopher CordnerEmail:
良知与和谐社会建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“致良知”是阳明学说的核心。“致良知”是他的宇宙论、道德论,也是其修养论。“致良知”对构建和谐社会有重要意义。如今中国社会出现了许多不和谐,人与人、人与社会、人与自然冲突、矛盾、对立,比比皆是。但归根到底是人自己与自己不和谐,即身心不和谐。为此,需要从阳明学中,吸取一些智慧“省察克治”,限制乃至祛除无限膨胀的私欲,抛弃消费主义,过勤俭生活。  相似文献   
在孔孟之间的思想变迁过程中,“孔子之学,曾子独得其宗”。曾子一方面继承和发扬了孔子重孝道、重道德修养、理想人格及重修己正人等思想,另一方面又直接启导了后来的子思、孟子思想,起到了承上启下的重要作用,是孔孟思想变迁过程中十分关键的代表性人物。在儒学思想发展史上,曾子对儒家思想发展最大的贡献就在于他的孝道观、道德自律观及修己正人的道德政治观。曾子的伦理政治思想成为孔子思想进一步理论化、系统化的必不可少的重要环节。  相似文献   
“面子”定义探新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面子研究是中国国民性研究的基础性内容。通过面子现象的要素归纳和面子行为的归因分析,借鉴面子既有定义的合理思想,给出了全新的面子定义。面子是个体藉由行为或社会性资源展现其自我价值,寻求他人的确认且受到意外的认同时,凸现于个体内心的自我价值感与相应体验。面子实质上是个体对自我在他人心中的价值与地位的关注,自我价值是面子的内核,社会性资源是面子的象征。自我价值的认同诉求与回应的冲突即评价冲突是面子产生的直接诱因。个体在交往中表现“相符行为”或允许他人利用自己的社会性资源是赢得面子的基本途径。确认个体价值的“他人取向”是面子现象的社会根源。  相似文献   
对诚信的内在结构可有多种解析。从所属领域角度,诚信可以被分为心诚、言诚、行诚三个层面。这三个层面相互依赖、相互作用:心诚是言诚和行诚的内在依据,言诚和行诚是心诚的必要外化,而言诚和行诚则相互促进。从所涉对象角度,诚信可以被分为诚己、诚人、诚群三个维度。这三个维度彼此相关、层层推进:诚己是诚人和诚群的必要前提,诚人是诚己的必然延伸和必要确证,而诚群则是诚人的合乎逻辑的扩展。  相似文献   
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