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This paper presents a framework that editors, peer reviewers, and authors can use to identify and resolve efficiently disputes that arise during peer review in scientific journals. The framework is called a scientific dialectical brief. In this framework, differences among authors and reviewers are formatted into specific assertions and the support each party provides for its position. A literature review suggests that scientists use five main types of support; empirical data, reasoning, speculation, feelings, and status. It is suggested that the scientific dialectical brief format can streamline the review process by facilitating rapid differentiation between stronger and weaker support, so that valuable time can be focused on the better-substantiated claims. The paper concludes with some suggestions for implementation. The author researches, lectures and publishes in the area of physical and social aspects of environmental quality. He is also a practicing architect. This paper is based on a presentation at a workshop, “Advances in Peer Review Research”, American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 9, 1996.  相似文献   
透视医疗纠纷——辨析医患双方的权利和义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发生医疗纠纷的一个重要原因是医患双方各自站在自己的立场上,维护自己的权利而产生的争端。由于我国卫生法制的滞后,患者被作为消费者伸张权利逐步成为趋势。但我国的医疗卫生事业的性质决定患者不能与消费者等同。医患双方应在更好的游戏规则下协调关系,减少纠纷。  相似文献   
医疗事故处理法律亟待统一规范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前在我国医疗工作的实践中,医疗纠纷呈上升趋势。然而,解决和处理医疗纠纷与医疗事故的法律、法规尚不移规范统一。随着我国法制的逐步健全,法律,法规的不断完善,医疗事故处理的法律亟待统一规范,以利于全社会遵法,守法,执法的实现。  相似文献   
This literature review attempts to interface counselling with alternative legal practice. The authors proceed by contrasting the adversarial nature of litigation with the conciliatory nature of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with a view to encouraging seekers of dispute resolution to opt for ADR in lieu of litigation. The paper discusses the Ubuntu world view in conflict resolution in relation to ADR practices. While not presenting ADR as a replacement for litigation nor proscribing litigation in itself, this paper prescribes the use of ADR to arrive at settlements that are more satisfactory and longer lasting. The paper finally shows how counsellors and guidance professionals may be involved in ADR processes to effectively give succour to conflicting parties.  相似文献   
两种人本心理学的辩论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文沿着JohnRowan(1989)提出是否有两种人本心理学这一问题 ,追溯了人本心理学内部分歧的由来 ,即罗洛·梅与罗杰斯在 2 0世纪 80年代初有关人性问题的争论 ,以及 1986年罗洛·梅对超个人心理学的批评。文章着重介绍了维尔伯 (KenWilber)对这一领域的分歧所做的全面分析 ,指出了两种人本心理学在一些基本问题上的不同立场。这两种心理学就是以罗洛·梅为代表的存在主义取向的人本心理学和以马斯洛、罗杰斯、维尔伯为代表的从自我实现走向自我超越的人本心理学  相似文献   
貌似“健康”的人突然死亡(即猝死),由于事先无任何预兆,出乎人们意料往往使人们对死因产生怀疑,若死者是在因病就医过程中突然死亡,特别是在刚注射或服药后死亡,很容易被认为是医护人员的医疗活动及其相关活动有问题而引发医疗纠纷,每位医务人员应高度重视,若死因不明,尸检则是解决这一棘手问题的关键。  相似文献   
Selected topics are discussed that may be relevant to psychologists in medical mediation and bioethical consultations, such as family conflict and DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. The premise is that psychologists will be more involved in these disputes than ever before. This article includes some relevant theoretical issues and practical procedures for conducting mediation disputes in health care settings.  相似文献   
Mediation services arise in contexts where the notions of community cohesion, relationship integrity and social order are valued over their opposites (disorder, dissent, conflict etc). Yet it is not at all clear whether and how the mediation of conflict works to re-establish harmony or consensus. Indeed it is not at all clear that mediation is always effective or just. It has even been suggested that some conflicts (e.g. work-place, commercial and sexual assault) are either not resolved or not resolved justly by mediation. On the other hand, advocates maintain that mediation can bring resolution and repair to ongoing relationships, promote community harmony, and empower people to be self-determining in the construction and maintenance of their resolutions. Whether mediation is adjudged positively or not, all mediation is instantiated in, indeed performed through, talk. In this paper I examine mediations from an Australian mediation program, and use Conversation Analysis to expose the practical methods by which mediators achieve consensus between disputants. I then examine a case in which mediation has failed to produce the sought-after consensus, and explore one way of understanding the failure of mediation in that case.  相似文献   
This study examined relations between the incidence of workplace bullying and the everyday experiences of members of ethnic and racial minorities in the American workplace. Particular attention was paid to expressions of bullying that overtly or specifically refer to race or ethnicity, in the form of more or less subtle acts of discrimination and hostile treatment, introducing the term `racial/ethnic bullying.' Participants belonging to four racial/ethnic groups (Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and whites) responded to a written survey of general and racial/ethnic bullying experiences, responses, and preferred modes and methods of internal organizational redress and dispute resolution. Very different profiles emerged between bullying perpetrated by supervisors/superiors versus co-workers/peers in the organization.  相似文献   
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