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Induction by reinforcer schedules.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Traditional strategies for determining whether a reinforcer schedule enhances the occurrence of an activity are reviewed and critically evaluated. A basic assumption underlying these strategies is that it is possible to isolate the effect of reinforcer intermittency on schedule induction. It is concluded that this is not, in fact, possible. An alternative approach is proposed that emphasizes the inductive effects of the reinforcer schedule as a unit and the effects of particular aspects of the reinforcer schedule (e.g., interreinforcer interval, repetition of the reinforcer, reinforcer magnitude).  相似文献   
This research examines the social actors and interactions that facilitate seminary students' sense of calling. Drawing from 36 in-depth interviews with first year Masters of Divinity students, we introduce six ideal typical social others who play a formative role in the early stages of a call to ministry: instigators, exemplars, interpreters, affirmers, challengers, and codiscerners. Together, these findings demonstrate that the call to ministry, while deeply personal, emerges through social interactions that facilitate and make plausible a person's sense of calling and that sustain it over time. Extending Richard Pitt's conceptualization of the “horizontal call,” this paper argues that social others help evoke and solidify—not merely legitimate—a personal sense of call. This research also highlights differences in the social structuring of call by gender. Despite considerable gains in the ordination of women, we find that many still face obstacles to experiencing and embracing a call to ministry.  相似文献   
In career counseling, social justice is typically integrated by helping oppressed groups navigate their way around obstacles of injustice while also working to dislodge the oppressive conditions from society. The authors affirm both of these courses of action while also advocating a third strategy: inviting clients to serve as agents of change by introducing and incorporating prosocial values into career development interventions. This article makes the case that this strategy may enhance client well‐being while simultaneously promoting harmony among organizations and society. Support for this strategy comes from theory, research, and the ethical approaches for working with values in counseling.  相似文献   
陈涯倩 《现代哲学》2007,2(1):80-85
韦伯在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中,将职业与天职联系起来,并从这一角度指出,新教伦理促进了资本主义精神的兴起。该文认为这种直接的联系的基础是自然神论。通过引入克尔恺郭尔对西方理性形而上学的批判,笔者将论证,一方面,由自然神论衍生的基督教职业观在克尔恺郭尔的视野下是错误的,因为职业只是一个人生存的偶然性境遇之一,因此不是上帝的“召唤”。根据克尔恺郭尔对基督教的阐释,上帝的召唤是超越性的,这决定了它不可能直接地被人的理性理解,它以一种独特的———我称之为“否定性的”、“间接的”———方式被领会,召唤超越于职业,前者超越了人的理性,而后者是理性分工体系的产物;另一方面,上帝的召唤又与职业有关系。偶然性境遇恰恰是上帝进行召唤以及人作出回应的“场合”(occassion),一个基督徒如果占据某一职业,那么他(她)就必须辛勤劳动,甘愿“受苦”(suffering),韦伯正确地看到了基督徒对职业的重视、在职业上吃苦耐劳的表现,但未能正确地解释其原因。总之,依据克尔恺郭尔的思想,存在着一种有别于韦伯的基督教职业观,从而将基督教与资本主义精神联系起来是值得疑问的。  相似文献   
杨付  刘清 《心理科学进展》2021,29(9):1647-1656
使命感(calling)作为一个前沿主题, 近年来受到理论界和实务界的广泛关注。根据PRISMA申明推荐的文献搜索流程, 保留国内外使命感的影响效果相关文献, 对这些文献进行系统梳理和分析, 总结出使命感影响效果的三种变量类型:职业心理与状态、职业技能与能力以及职业过程与产出。未来研究应进一步探索使命感消极影响, 关注双刃剑效应; 分析使命感文化差异, 探讨跨文化比较效应; 构建使命感团队模型, 延伸研究层次; 追踪使命感变化, 构建动态模型。  相似文献   
Orin W. Cummings 《Dialog》2018,57(2):107-110
Luther's doctrine of vocation is about faithfully living the baptismal life. This article argues that for the Christian a theology of work—vocation—is not to be constricted to the spiritual sphere only. The Christian is called from the temporal sphere, but not out of it. As such, the Christian embraces the spiritual and temporal spheres in response to God's grace and for the good of the neighbor.  相似文献   
以人民警察为研究对象,利用质性研究方法探索使命感的概念内涵及践行使命的影响因素.使命感定义为听从党的召唤,愿意为国家和人民的利益奉献与牺牲,主动进取,并在工作中实现自我价值的一种行为动力倾向.使命感概念内涵包括信仰召唤、利他奉献、主动进取、自我实现四个维度.理想、信念、责任、担当、团队氛围等是影响使命践行的主要因素.使...  相似文献   
With the growing interest in the joint effects of individual and contextual factors in predicting team member proactivity, this paper examines why and when pursuing one's career calling can lead to team member proactivity. Drawing on the Work as a Calling Theory, we propose that “living out a calling” explains why employees' perceived career calling positively relates to team member proactivity and especially when the employee receives high levels of mentoring support. Our hypotheses are tested using a multisource and time-lagged study design with a sample of 296 dyads of Chinese employees and their direct supervisors. We found support for the mediating role of living out a calling (Time 2) in the positive relationship between perceiving a calling (Time 1) and team member proactivity (Time 3). Mentoring (Time 2) moderated the perceiving a calling and living out a calling link such that when employees received more mentoring, the relationship was positive, whereas under lower levels of mentoring, the relationship was negative. Similarly, the indirect relationship between perceiving a calling and team member proactivity through living out a calling was positive at higher levels of mentoring, but the relationship was negative at lower levels of mentoring.  相似文献   
This mixed methods study aimed to examine the experiences of a calling in retirement with a sample of 196 retired adults. First, a qualitative analysis explored the types of activities participants experienced as a calling as well as the types of barriers that participants perceived as keeping them from living their calling. ‘Helping Others’ emerged as the largest category of calling that participants endorsed and ‘No Resources to Live Calling’ emerged as the most frequently endorsed barrier. Building on our qualitative findings, we conducted a quantitative analysis to examine the relation of perceiving a calling with well-being. Consistent with prior research with working adult populations and in support of our hypotheses, perceiving a calling related to life meaning and life satisfaction, and structural equation modeling demonstrated that life meaning and living a calling (via life meaning) fully mediated the perceiving calling–life satisfaction relation. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
基于生涯发展理论与自我效能感理论探讨了职业使命感与大学生可就业能力的关系,以及求职清晰度与求职效能感的中介效应。采用职业使命感量表、求职清晰度量表、求职效能感量表和大学生可就业能力量表对802名大学生进行研究。结果显示:(1)职业使命感对大学生可就业能力的影响受到了求职清晰度的中介作用;(2)求职清晰度对大学生可就业能力的影响受到了求职效能感的中介作用;(3)职业使命感对大学生可就业能力的影响受到了求职效能感的中介作用。因此,求职清晰度与求职效能感在职业使命感与大学生可就业能力之间起链式中介作用,职业使命感不仅会直接影响大学生可就业能力,还会通过求职清晰度与求职效能感间接影响大学生可就业能力。  相似文献   
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