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The item characteristic curve (ICC), defining the relation between ability and the probability of choosing a particular option for a test item, can be estimated by using polynomial regression splines. These provide a more flexible family of functions than is given by the three-parameter logistic family. The estimation of spline ICCs is described by maximizing the marginal likelihood formed by integrating ability over a beta prior distribution. Some simulation results compare this approach with the joint estimation of ability and item parameters.IRCAMThe research reported in this paper was supported by Grants APA320 and A4035 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. It was also supported by Contract No. F41689-82-C-10020 from the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory to Educational Testing Service. The author wishes to thank M. Abrahamowicz for his assistance and R. Darrell Bock for providing the parameters for the items used in the simulations.  相似文献   
Analysis of the elements of attention: A neuropsychological approach   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A model for conceptualizing the components or elements of attention is presented. The model substitutes for the diffuse and global concept of attention a group of four processes and links them to a putative system of cerebral structures. Data in support of the model are presented; they are derived from neuropsychological test scores obtained from two samples, the first consisting of 203 adult neuropsychiatric patients and normal control subjects, and the second, an epidemiologically-based sample of 435 elementary school children. Principal components analyses of test scores from these two populations yielded similar results: a set of independent elements of attention that are assayed by different tests. This work presents a heuristic for clinical research in which the measurement of attention is essential.  相似文献   
音乐无他, 张弛而已。音乐紧张感架起了客观音响与主观体验之间的桥梁, 是音乐情绪产生的前提和基础。音乐紧张感加工的影响因素主要来自客体与主体两方面。研究发现, 声学要素与调性结构是影响音乐紧张感诱发的声音线索, 而文化背景与音乐能力是影响听者对紧张感加工的个体因素。未来需要对时间结构与长时程调性结构诱发的紧张感及其机制进行深入探究, 这将有助于深化我们对音乐紧张感与情绪加工的认识。  相似文献   
包装上的元素信息是消费者感知环境刺激的重要来源, 能对消费者决策产生重要影响。包装元素可分为非语言型包装元素和语言型包装元素两类, 它们对消费者有不同的影响。总体而言, 非语言型包装元素主要影响消费者的感知和情感偏好, 而语言型包装元素更多影响消费者的行为倾向和行为结果。同时, 两类包装元素对消费者产生影响的内在机制可从神经生理机制、认知加工机制、自我控制的转移和多感官交互几方面进行讨论。此外, 两类包装元素对消费者的影响还会受到环境特征、产品特征以及消费者个体特征的调节。未来研究可进一步探讨两类包装元素对消费者尴尬情绪、透明包装的选择以及产品评价等结果的影响。  相似文献   
Reaching toward an object usually consists of a sequence of elemental actions. Using a reaching task sequence, the authors investigated how task elements of that sequence affected feedforward and feedback components of the reaching phase of the movement. Nine right-handed adults performed, with their dominant and nondominant hands, 4 tasks of different complexities: a simple reaching task; a reach-to-grasp task; a reach-to-grasp and lift object task; and a reach-to-grasp, lift, and place object task. Results showed that in the reach-to-grasp and lift object task more time was allocated to the feedforward component of the reach phase, while latency between the task elements decreased. We also found between-hand differences, supporting previous findings of increased efficiency of processing planning-related information in the preferred hand. The presence of task-related modifications supports the concept of contextual effects when planning a movement.  相似文献   
Stocks and flows (SF) are building blocks of dynamic systems: Stocks change through inflows and outflows, such as our bank balance changing with withdrawals and deposits, or atmospheric CO2 with absorptions and emissions. However, people make systematic errors when trying to infer the behavior of dynamic systems, termed SF failure, whose cognitive explanations are yet unknown. We argue that SF failure appears when people focus on specific system elements (local processing), rather than on the system structure and gestalt (global processing). Using a standard SF task (n = 148), SF failure decreased by (a) a global as opposed to local task format; (b) individual global as opposed to local processing styles; and (c) global as opposed to local perceptual priming. These results converge toward local processing as an explanation for SF failure. We discuss theoretical and practical implications on the connections between the scope of attention and understanding of dynamic systems.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to elaborate a fundamental brain mechanism involved in the creation and maintenance of symbolic fields of thought. It will integrate theories of psychic spaces as explored by Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion with the neuroscientific examinations of those with bilateral hippocampal injury to show how evidence from both disciplines sheds important light on this aspect of mind. Possibly originating as a way of maintaining an oriented, first person psychic map, this capacity allows individuals a dynamic narrative access to a realm of layered elements and their connections. If the proposed hypothesis is correct, the hippocampus facilitates the integration of this symbolic field of mind, where narrative forms of thinking, creativity, memory, and dreaming are intertwined. Without the hippocampus, there is an inability to engage many typical forms of thought itself. Also, noting the ways these individuals are not impaired supports theories about other faculties of mind, providing insight into their possible roles within human thought. The evidence of different systems working in conjunction with the symbolic field provides tantalizing clues about these fundamental mechanisms of brain and mind that are normally seamlessly integrated, and hints at future areas of clinical and laboratory research, both within neuroscience and psychoanalysis.  相似文献   
文王卦位是以中国原有的时空观念为基础,适应占筮需要形成的.最迟在西周之时,先后形成了四时与四方相配的时空统一观念,以及五行顺次相生观念.文王卦位的安排,首先是将四时与四方相配延展为八个时段与八方一一相配,然后据八卦的卦象、卦德排定其时位与方位,理解时位是理解卦位的关键.在卦位的安排中,很可能已考虑到五行的循环相生.这种卦位说形成于古经<周易>成书前,<易经>在观象系辞中利用了这种卦位说.  相似文献   
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