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关于“四端七情”的问题在中国儒学尤其是朱熹哲学的心性论方面占有核心的位置 ,但并没有被朱熹以后的性理学者们继续关注 ,却得到韩国朝鲜王朝 ( 1 392— 1 91 0年 )的性理学者们的吸收及发挥。退溪与栗谷并称为韩国性理学的双璧 ,虽然他们都受到朱熹哲学的影响 ,不过在朱熹哲学的基础之上两位学者都建立了自己独特的哲学体系。栗谷的“四端七情说”在理气之妙、理通气局、气发理乘等理气论的基础上发挥了朱子学 ,他反对退溪理气互发的观点 ,对朱熹哲学作出了自己的理解和诠释  相似文献   
The author examines He Lin’s interpretation of Zhu Xi’s method of intuition from a phenomenological-hermeneutical perspective and by exposing Zhu’s philosophical presuppositions. In contrast with Lu Xiangshan’s intuitive method, Zhu Xi’s method of reading classics advocates “emptying your heart and flowing with the text” and, in this spirit, explains the celebrated “exhaustive investigation on the principles of things (ge wu qiong li).” “Text,” according to Zhu, is therefore not an object in ordinary sense but a “contextual region” or “sensible pattern” that, when merged with the reader, generates meanings. Furthermore, by discussing the related doctrines of Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, Hua-Yan Buddhism, Zhou Dunyi, and Zhu Xi’s own “One principle with many manifestations (li yi fen shu),” the author identifies the philosophical preconditions of Zhu’s method. Based on this analysis, the author goes on to illustrate Zhu’s understanding of “observing potential yet unapparent pleasure, anger, sorrow and happiness” and “maintaining a serious attitude (zhu jing).”  相似文献   
At the end of the twentieth century,there was a trend in Chinese literature towards characterizing Chinese culture as the "unity of Tian (Heaven) and humanity天人合一.” Rather than arguing against such a view,I present in this paper a series of debates over the paradoxes within the concept of unity as well as various notions of love,hoping to demonstrate the depth and complexity of this seemingly simple and dogmatic dictum so that those who cite it can be alert to its potential intricacies.I will discuss three elements which threaten to render the pursuit of oneness an impossible project:(1) the relation between naming and the named,which makes any conceptual attempt to attain oneness an infinite regress,as can be seen in Zhuangzi's莊子 argument against Hui Shi's惠施 oneness;(2) the gap between contemplation and practice,as can be seen in the contrast between Zhang Zai's張載 contemplative oneness and Cheng Hao's程顥 perceptual oneness;and (3) the self-bifurcating attentive acts of the heart-mind,which render any conscious endeavor to attain oneness a self-defeating project.Unlike Cheng Hao's emphasis on the subjective experience of perceptual oneness,his followers posit its underlying metaphysical substance as qi or xing (nature) and believe that moral self-cultivation should start from a metaphysical insight into this substance.Zhu Xi 朱熹 rejects the approach of grounding ethics on metaphysics and argues that love is not based on the notion of unity in terms of qi.He sees the ultimate comprehension of unity rather as a "metaphysical promise," a goal to be attained by following the Confucian Way of selfcultivation,which starts simply from reflection and practice on things near at hand.  相似文献   
易学是朱熹学术体系中的重要组成部分,在易学史上产生了重大影响。元代时期,朱子易学在政府的推崇下,逐渐成为官方学术;同时学者也积极地以师徒相传、朋友讲习与读书自得等方式,传承朱子易学;此外,元代学者还通过研究朱子的易学典籍、发展与批判朱子的易学观点,以及调和朱子与程子的易说等多种途径,对朱子易学作深入探究。这三个方面即构成了朱子易学在元代发展的基本面貌。  相似文献   
Mou Zongsan uses the highest moral principle “autonomy” to interpret Confucius’ benevolence and Mencius’ “inherent benevolence and righteousness”, focuses on the self-rule of the will. It does not do any harm to Mencius’ learning, on the contrary, it is conducive to the communication between Chinese and Western philosophies. If we stick to Kant’s moral self autonomy and apply it to interpreting Zhu Xi’s moral theory, similarly we will discover the implications of Zhu Xi’s “autonomy” in his moral learning. Therefore, it is inappropriate for Mou Zongsan to say that Zhu Xi’s ethics belongs to the autonomous one. __________ Translated from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2005, (6): 33–39  相似文献   
本论文的目的在于运用“关系范畴”说明朱熹的宇宙本体论。近代以后对宋明理学的研究受到西方一些思想的影响 ,而以西方的思维模式来说明理学的范畴 ,最终丧失了理学本来所具有的哲学意义。因此 ,本论文要论证冯友兰先生所主张的“共相”和“殊相”不能说明朱熹理学的本来意义。本论文试图用“阴阳 ,动静关系”范畴来说明朱熹的宇宙本体论 ,说明阴阳两个体一方面保存自己的个体性 ,而另一方面也维持相生的整体性 ,并进一步说明个体必须以整体为依归 ,整体必须以个体为前提。  相似文献   
以往对咸卦的解读多不能切近其本义。事实上,咸卦的主题是讲交往处事的道理或原则。关于卦辞,传统解读多基于男女相感来理解,其实卦辞着重强调的是屈身虚己、礼贤下士。关于初爻,诸家均未着眼于足拇趾与其他足趾的不同去体会“拇”的本质特征。依此角度理解,初爻讲的是要重视与外界的交往。解卦九四亦取“拇”象,且与“朋”象相合,比喻能力再强者遇到险难时往往也需要他人的配合支持。关于二爻,诸家多以腓体躁动取象,认为二爻“感物以躁”乃“凶之道”,实则二爻取象腿肚抽筋,喻勿与坏人、恶人相交。艮卦六二亦与腿肚抽筋有关,喻本当止而不得止之,是以有憾。关于三爻,诸家多以股随足或随身而动,不能自处,喻人无主见而听任摆布,基本得其正解。艮卦九三不取股象而取腰限之象,体现了取象的唯变所适之理,喻本不当止而强止之,将会导致严重后果。关于四爻,诸家皆以九四为有心之感而未及无心之感,其实四爻讲的是交往处事要心思端正、以心交心。关于五爻,诸家皆未抓住脢的本质特征。该爻实则是讲交往处事要有奉献精神,甘于做配角。关于上爻,诸家解读大致能得其正解,讲的是交往处事不能夸夸其谈,务必言实相符。  相似文献   
雍树墅 《周易研究》2020,(1):98-104
朱熹的琴律理论主要包括运用三分损益法的生律思路计算五音十二律与古琴徽位、琴上三准的掐断率并对其进行划分等。朱熹琴律理论中的儒家乐教思想主要体现在通过琴律以维护君臣关系,即论五音十二律以维护君臣关系、论琴上三准以区分君子与小人、论调弦之法以求五声伦序顺置等。他的乐教思想是以“理”为核心所生发出的一种音乐哲学思想:以“天理”作为乐教思想的理论依据,以“中和”作为乐教思想的心性基础,以“致知”作为乐教思想的最终归宿。  相似文献   
晁罡 《现代哲学》2003,(4):85-91
《十一家注孙子》汇集了自魏武帝曹操至北宋张预等11家对于《孙子》的注解。关于治国之道,孙子与儒家的思想多有相通之处,同时又各有侧重、各有特点。11位注家在注释《孙子》过程中,既阐发了孙子的原意,又融合了诸多儒家的思想观念,体现出“以儒释兵”、“兵儒整合”的思想倾向。这种思想倾向虽早已有之,但《十一家注孙子》的形成无疑又加强了这种倾向,它对历史上儒兵家的形成也有一定影响。  相似文献   
本文依次从心体是否需要性体保证其客观性,性体能否保证心体的客观性,形著说能否达到预期目的,究竟应该如何看待天道等方面,向牟宗三著名的形著说提出质疑。本文总的结论是,形著说虽有重要的理论意义,但其路子从一开始就没有走对,不仅不能有效解决理论上的难题,而且有叠床架屋之嫌。  相似文献   
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