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蔡莹莹 《管子学刊》2012,(1):115-122
本文介绍著名西方汉学家葛瑞汉的墨子研究,主要以"墨子十论"为讨论重点。本文第一部分简介葛瑞汉之学术研究概况;本文第二部分分别讨论葛氏提出"墨分为三"与十论篇次关系之理论,共有:其一,《非攻上》归属问题与《天志》诸篇关系;其二,《非命》诸篇之错简问题;其三,导致三派分歧的主题研究三大主题,逐一述评葛氏之研究成果,并参照相关文献,检讨其得失所在;本文第三部分则略论葛氏提出的墨家分派及其"十论"研究的效用与限制;最后则说明中、西学界治学方法、风格之异同,而吾人若能两者并参,截长补短,则必能双赢。  相似文献   
After eight months of itinerant fieldwork across 17 provinces, I elaborate on how the largest Pentecostal group deeply localized in China, the True Jesus Church, has undergone sect‐to‐church movement through interactions among overseas, coastal, and inland churches in globalizing China. A critical intermediary role in this process has been taken by emerging coastal Fujian leaders, who have been successfully reforming not only their churches but also inland counterparts by tactfully utilizing overseas churches as stimuli, resources providers, and legitimizers for the transformation project. The Chinese fever of integration into the world and high status granted to the overseas are keys to smooth away the barriers of the traditionalist old guard. Accordingly, the originally enclosed, anti‐political, sectarian, spirit‐led group has turned more institutionalized, laity‐oriented, text‐based, and welcoming to the government and mainstream Protestantism.  相似文献   
万毅 《现代哲学》2007,51(1):118-122
该文对唐末五代时期“禅宗五家”之一云门宗创始人文偃的禅学思想进行了初步分析,指出了其宗教哲学的客观唯心主义本质,同时也揭示了其“机锋”的反理性、反逻辑、反知识的特点。  相似文献   
In previous writings, I have argued that the 3-to-5-year-old boy’s emotional separation from his mother is the key experience in his development of a melancholic orientation to life (Capps, Men, religion, and melancholia: James, Otto, Jung, and Erikson, 1997) and that men’s religious proclivities (based on honor, hope, and humor) reflect this emotional separation (Capps, Male melancholia: Guilt, separation, and repressed rage, 2001). In an earlier article published in Pastoral Psychology (Capps, Leonardo’s Mona Lisa: Iconic center of male melancholic religion, 2004), I argued that Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is the iconic center of the male melancholic religion, that it displaces the Virgin Mother Mary of traditional Christianity in this regard, and that the painting aids in the difficult task of transforming melancholia into the mourning of the lost maternal object. In this article, I argue that James McNeill Whistler’s painting of his mother plays a similar role in male melancholic religion, but with an important variation: I use Ernst Troeltsch’s classic church-sect typology to show that Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is the iconic center of the churchly form of male melancholic religion, while Whistler’s mother is the devotional center of its sectarian form.
Donald CappsEmail:
This article presents the main theoretical approaches to the religious phenomenon: functionalism, constructivism, civil religion, invisible religion, diffused religion, rational choice, vicarious religion, and so on. It is difficult to accumulate empirical data that in general are considered too weak. The state of the art of sociology of religion seems promising because of the presence of new generations of sociologists who are deeply involved in their work. For the future a specific theory on migration mobility is necessary. Another necessity is a wider development of qualitative analysis for a better knowledge of religious dynamics.  相似文献   
史事宗易学研究方法析论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夫援史证《易》本为易家释《易》普遍之现象,然自赵宋三李一杨(李光、李杞、李中正、杨万里)开宗奠基后,历宋元明三朝而踵继者众,至有清一朝,更以超迈往古之姿,创猗欤盛哉之势,将史事易学推至极盛。由于此派易学著作甚多,易家援引史事形貌多样,不仅丰富史事易学之内容,亦充实义理易学之内涵,并建构出此派易学独特之体系,值得吾人深入研究。海内外曾从事相关研究者虽不乏其人,惟此派易学研究方法仍有讨论之空间,愿将个人研究之拙见,提供未来研究者之参考,冀收后出转精之效。其内容包括史事易学之定义、史事易家之典型、史事易学发展史略、援史证《易》研究之重点(如援史动机、援史类型、援史与卦爻比附之切当性、援史之史观、以说理为本以援史为末),以及史事易学研究之发展性等等,希望透过文献资料之搜集与分析,进而从易学与易学史之角度推论,俾有助于史事宗易学研究方法之建立,与史事易学研究深度广度之推扩。  相似文献   
颜氏之儒是颜回及其弟子所形成的学术群体.颜氏之儒作为传道之儒,继承和拓展了孔子天道性命的形上智慧,以自强不息、奋进不已作为人生信条,追求用行舍藏、乐天知命的人生境界,向往没有战争,没有纷争的大同社会.从颜氏之儒特征来看,它与<系辞>、<大象>、<彖传>、<文言>有着内在的联系,<系辞>、<彖>、<象>、<文言>、<序卦>有可能是颜氏之儒的作品.  相似文献   
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