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"神农易"与《伏羲易》的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,"神农易"与《伏羲易》如"鸟之两翼,车之两轮"是中华大易体系的一体之两面,它们共同严密地构成了一个完整的系统的宇宙生成理论,以二进制数理自然地展现了宇宙生成的本然面目。它们孪生的对立统一关系恰恰又反过来证明着"一阴一阳之谓道"、"易以道阴阳"的易理精蕴和大易本旨。"神农易"与《伏羲易》的并行,将启示着人们重新对《易经》的象数进行深入地反思。  相似文献   
郭雍是兼山学派的代表人物,学术思想属于程门支流.郭雍秉承义理解易之风,推崇二程、张载而又自成一家.郭雍反对象数派的<河图><洛书>衍生大易的观点.他认为<易>为圣人明道之书.到了春秋时期,大道不行,卜筮成为主流.<易>为包羲、文王、周公、孔子四圣人所作.对"道、象、数"的关系,郭雍提出了自己的看法.郭雍还认为汉代以来,象数之学附会于<易>,圣人之道熄灭无传.直到程颢、程颐、张载三先生发挥易理精奥,圣人之道才得以重现.郭雍的父亲郭忠孝是程颐的学生,郭雍作<郭氏传家易说>的目的就是继承程颐和其父的解<易>传统,阐明圣人之道也.  相似文献   
"明"即辨别、验证,"夷"即弓矢的合文,表示弓、矢上面的符号一致."明夷"即"验证弓矢".弓矢是东夷民族发明的工具和武器.弓矢是论功行赏论罪行罚和确认战利品归属的重要凭据,也是确定猎获物所有权和损害赔偿责任的重要依据.古."(渡)"字中的"去"由弓矢二字构成,表示弓、矢上面的符号不一致."明夷"与《洪范》九畴之"明用稽疑"之间具有内在联系,"明夷"或即"明疑."这种方法由于曾经被殷末箕子所提倡或坚持而与其名字联在一起.西周金文"(渡)"字的产生与"明夷"制度有关."(渡)"字标志着古代法律由神判法(独角兽扁)向人判法(重视证据)的过渡.  相似文献   
邵雍对其先天易学(或称先天学、先天象数学)的阐释是为推演先天而在的形上之理而展开,在此过程中,先天象数易学只是其表意的工具而不是其学术思想的全部.形式上,先天易学是邵雍通过一套阴阳消长模式构建起来的象数易学;而内容上,先天易学则是其借<易>阐发儒家的性命义理之学.邵雍在其易学思想的阐释中,力图构建一个贯穿于天地万物的最高法则--"先天"之道,而最终落脚点却是其儒学所主张的人事之用.因此,他对易学的阐释始终围绕着"推天道以明人事"的易学旨趣展开.  相似文献   
The present study examined the moderating effect of Zhong Yong on the relationship between perceived creativity and innovation behaviour in Chinese companies. A total of 273 paired questionnaires were collected with employee self-rated creativity and Zhong Yong and supervisor-rated innovation behaviour. The results show that for people higher on Zhong Yong, their creativity was not correlated with innovation behaviour; for people less immersed in Zhong Yong, this correlation is significant. This finding provides a new insight into the effects of Zhong Yong on the creativity-innovation behaviour transformation processes. The implications for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   
沈汪兵  袁媛 《心理科学进展》2015,23(7):1169-1180
创造性思维作为创造性的内核, 是个体在一定社会文化背景上产生新颖独特且实用观点或产品的思维形式。文章基于社会文化的三层次模型, 分别从文化观念、文化活动或经历以及文化工具三个层面, 围绕人性价值观、中庸取向、非价值性文化传统、海外旅居、多语种学习、以及文化工具所涵盖的文化规则、符号和实物七个方面阐述了社会文化对创造性思维的影响。未来研究有必要在此基础上继续从文化与社会因素的依存性、个体差异控制、文化和创造性思维的类型差异以及多重研究取向协作四方面深入。  相似文献   
运用文献学及史学方法,从精气学说、“无为”思想和辩证思维等方面,探讨黄老思想对中医气一元论、摄生思想、整体观及辨证思想形成的影响。认为黄老哲学使零散的中医学理论系统化、规范化发挥了重大的作用。  相似文献   
本文将分五个部分以论邵雍之易数思想:首先,以天地之数和圆方之数作为天地源起之象征,并以此二数分为十六大位,以穷究天地体用之变化。其次,以阴阳奇偶之数作为天圆地方之数的基础,并以阴阳刚柔之四象、八卦配合干支之数,参以天地变化之数和体四月三之原则,以导出象征生灵万有之动植通数。再次,结合前两部分所探讨之天圆地方变化十六位数和阴阳刚柔奇偶动植通数,以呈现出一体用生物运行具象之数,以此代表天地万物的流行生化之象《天主运行,地主生化》。再次,将天行刚健之数进一步具体细分为元会运世之数.以成就邵雍独创之历法纪年。同时,将地生柔顺之数进一步体现于律吕声音之多元性和差异性来表现动植生物之不齐与参差。最后,以此五类大数施行、旁通而统贯于自然界与人文界之一切万有,以作为邵雍易学中穷理之学的终结。  相似文献   
Sumi Lee 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(4):329-353
Madhyamaka and Yogācāra are two Mahāyāna schools which have distinct systems. In the seventh century East Asia, the doctrinal distinction between the two schools was received as doctrinal contrast in the polemic circumstance of Emptiness-Existence (C. kongyou 空有) controversy. In this context, Ji 基 (632–682), the putative founder of East Asian Yogācāra school, has been normally considered by scholars to have advocated ‘Existence’ (viz., Yogācāra) in opposition to ‘Emptiness’ (viz., Madhyamaka). It is problematic, however, to brand Ji’s Yogācāra position simply as anti-Madhyamaka. Although Ji evidently expresses evident criticism on such a Madhyamaka exegete as Bhāvaviveka (ca. 500–570) in some of his works, he also describes Bhāvaviveka in an amicable or even respective way in other works. By analyzing Ji’s extant works, this article argues that Ji’s scholastic attitude toward Madhyamaka changed from criticism to approval.  相似文献   
Ji Kang's "An Essay on Nourishing Life" has,for much of its history,been overshadowed by his more famous work "Sound is without Grief or Joy." Be that as it may,"An Essay on Nourishing Life" is also an important text in that it delves into the interdependence of the heart-mind,spirit,and vital breath,and into how harmony between them is the key to ensuring physical longevity.In addition to investigating this aspect of his thought,this paper will also discuss Ji Kang's attention to the vicissitudes of knowledge and desire and to the need to temper them with tranquility and stillness."An Essay on Nourishing Life" can thus be read as an extension of classical Daoist theories of self-cultivation while at the same time elaborating upon them by bringing together their disparate components into a coherently unified doctrine.  相似文献   
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