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IntroductionPersonal values are important for understanding psychological phenomena by serving as predictors of individuals’ attitudes and behavior. The Twenty-Item Value Inventory (TwIVI, Sandy et al., 2017) was developed to assess values with items from the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ, Schwartz et al., 2001).ObjectiveThe goal of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the French version of the TwIVI.MethodTwo French-Canadian samples of adults (N1 = 825; N2 = 429) were recruited in order to test the reliability and validity of the TwIVI.ResultsResults revealed that the French version of the TwIVI showed satisfying temporal stability, convergence validity with the PVQ, and concurrent validity with personality traits. Some issues were observed for internal consistency and structural validity, assessed with both multidimensional scaling and exploratory structural equation modeling.ConclusionOverall, these findings partially support the psychometric qualities of the French version of the TwIVI. Implications for theory and research on values are discussed.  相似文献   
IntroductionIn the present paper, we address the double-edged role of values among Army personnel and how they can be used in information warfare. We suggest that value discrepancy may impact the agent's trust and consequently, affect behaviour and ultimately destabilize the organization.ObjectivesBased on cognitive dissonance theory and the meaning maintenance model, we hypothesized that exposing trained soldiers to information which confronts their core values and involves both their peers and their institution could promote an overwhelming reaction that could finally alter their trust in the organization.MethodTo examine the proposed model, interviews were conducted with 38 active-duty soldiers that permits to stress the importance of values for their personal life. To complete the interviews, a staged observation was led with the second set of participants (n = 21). Its goal was to evaluate the soldiers’ reaction to a message aiming at their values.ResultsQualitative and quantitative analysis of the Interviews confirmed both the importance of the said values and stressed the ambivalence toward their institution. The results of the staged observation suggested that a low credibility source of information aiming at their central values could lead to a direct emotional reaction, that could potentially lead to a decrease in institutional trust, and therefore ultimately in the organisation performance.ConclusionThe discussion focuses on the consequences of this mechanism, the fundamental necessity for the organization of taking this process into account. Finally, we suggest ways to cope with this risk which can alter strategy deployment and goal achievement.  相似文献   
IntroductionTo date, research-examining factors related to the sociocognitive self-regulatory mechanisms governing unsanctioned aggression have received scant attention in applied sport psychology.ObjectiveA mediating model as influenced by various demographic variables was applied to explore the relationships between athletes’ personal values and their unsanctioned aggression directly and indirectly through the mediating role of resistive self-regulatory efficacy, moral disengagement, and aggressiveness.MethodA sample of 301 French competitors of different age (young: n = 200 and adult: n = 101), gender (male: n = 172 and female: n = 129), type of sport (high: n = 131 and low contact: n = 170), level of competition (beginner: n = 115, intermediate: n = 110, and advanced: n = 76), and length of practice (brief: n = 109, intermediate: n = 49, and extensive: n = 143) completed a questionnaire assessing the aforementioned variables.ResultsStructural equation modelling demonstrates that self-transcendence and self-enhancement values have only indirect negative and positive effects, respectively, on unsanctioned aggression through the full mediating effect of the mediators. Also, age, gender, and type of sport were predictive only of some personal values and mediators.ConclusionThese findings offer evidence that resistive self-regulatory efficacy, moral disengagement, and aggressiveness are mediators that fully govern the impact of athletes’ personal values and certain demographic variables on their unsanctioned aggression. Several limitations, implications and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   
Numerous studies in organizational behaviour research have examined the congruence (i.e. fit, match, agreement and similarity) between two constructs as a predictor of some outcome. Edwards (1993, 1994) shows that, these studies operationalized congruence by collapsing two or more measures into a single index, such as an algebraic, absolute or squared difference and then, present numerous substantive and methodological problems that severely threaten the interpretability and conclusiveness of the obtained results. On the basis of the alternative approach proposed by Edwards (1993, 1994), we devoted ourselves to examine the effect of the objective congruence between the organisational valorisation of the mutual assistance in the work and the individual need for interpersonal solidarity on the organizational normative commitment. The main effects of the individual preferences or the mode of organization were not taken into account in the analysis. We thus used the procedure of polynomial regression proposed by Edwards (1993, 1994) to make sure that congruence, rather than the components which are subjacent to it, does have a specific effect on the dependent variables. We actually found out that, notably for Gabonese employees, the objective congruence between the perception of the organizational valorisation of the mutual assistance and the individual need for interpersonal solidarity has the effect on the normative commitment towards the organization (Mso: β = –0, 65, P < 0,001 and Msp: β = 0,77, P < 0,001; R2 = 0,56), The level of organizational commitment increases with congruence between the personal and organizational values, then decreases with the shift.  相似文献   
It has often been suggested that environmental attitudes and behaviour are linked to people's values. In the present study, adherence to a pro-environmental norm is expected to be associated with self-transcendence values, whereas clear-sightedness regarding this norm is expected to be associated with self-enhancement values. Amongst a sample of 191 participants, values are measured with Schwartz's Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ) and normative adherence and clear-sightedness are measured within the self-presentation paradigm, using a pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour questionnaire. Overall, results corroborate the hypotheses. It is argued that the distinction between normative adherence and clear-sightedness enables alternative interpretations of research exploring the relationship between values and pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour.  相似文献   
IntroductionTeachers tend to develop negative expectations and behaviours towards students coming from low socioeconomic backgrounds.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to test the influence of teacher political orientation, as well as their attachment to power and universalism values, on their predictions of academic success towards students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.MethodEighty-eight high school teachers (Mage = 38.04 years; 44.3% men) responded to a questionnaire of political ideology and values, as well as to a questionnaire evaluating their prediction of success towards male high school students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.ResultsTeachers predicted a better academic success for students coming from a high socioeconomic background. Despite relatively small effect size, political ideology, as well as attachment to power and universalism values, predicted the bias of judgment.ConclusionTaking into consideration teachers’ ideology and values would deepen understanding of processes underlying expectations development.  相似文献   
IntroductionThis study investigates the impact of an organisational multiculturalism perspective of diversity on in-group bias towards people of foreign origin.ObjectiveWe hypothesise that organisational multiculturalism constitutes a norm which creates a positive context for intergroup relations. We expect that when workers perceive that their organisation recognises group differences, their own values are influenced, namely egalitarian values and perceived value violation. The value-related mediators are conceptualised in the frame of justification-suppression model (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003) respectively as suppression and justification.MethodData were collected from a sample of 402 workers who completed an anonymous questionnaire.ResultsBased on structural equation modelling, results show that the perception of organisational multiculturalism is negatively and indirectly related to in-group bias through both suppression and justification processes.ConclusionThis study highlights that the perception of the normative context of an organisation is related to workers’ attitudes. The results are discussed consistent with the literature on diversity.  相似文献   
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