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IntroductionA French version of the Briefing-Sensation Seeking Scale (B-SSS) (Hoyle et al., 2002) was developed according to a process of double reverse translation.ObjectiveTwo studies were then led to validate the psychometrics properties (validity and the reliability) of this French version of the B-SSS.MethodsIn the first study, 97 participants (14–24 years old) answered the original version (in English) and the translated version (in French). In the second study, 124 participants (14–24 years) answered the French version at two times measurement. Psychometrics analyses brings together reliability indices (Cronbach's alpha and temporal stability) and concurrent validity indices.ResultsFor both studies, Cronbach alphas were used to assess internal consistency, while intraclass coefficients (ICC) demonstrated temporal stability. In the second study, Pearson correlations between the French version and the ImpSS supported concurrent validity. Reliability is acceptable in the first study (α = .601 in, 674; ICC = .550–.895) and satisfactory in the second study (α = .734–.755; ICC = .650–.948). Pearson's correlation of the French version of the B-SSS and the ImpSS varies between .658 and .754.ConclusionPsychometrics properties of the French version of the B-SSS show that this scale can be used to measure sensation seeking with teenagers and for young adults.  相似文献   
《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(1):31-42
Contextual action theory is presented as a conceptual framework useful for grounding the recent work in counselling and career development called Life Design. Based on the premise of the goal-directed nature of human action, this approach has links to language in theories of naive action and attribution, and theory of mind. Contextual action theory has an associated research method that has been used to generate a range of research studies that have described actions and projects in the career development and counselling domains. The link that contextual action theory provides between research and practice allows the identification of five tasks for the counselling practitioner informed by this approach.  相似文献   
Thanks to the publication of the two decrees of 12 April 2018, and six years after the promulgation of the Jardé law, the scope of the law of 5 March 2012 as well as the different categories of research involving the human person finally appear clearly. Beside interventional research that includes intervention on the person that is not justified by usual care, the contours of two categories of research have been precised: interventional research with minimal risk and minimal burden and “non-interventional” research, whose name is questionable. If the latest decrees have managed to reach a more coherent set of rules, the French legal and regulatory provisions remain complex and incomplete. Complex, in view of the multiplicity of statutory texts adopted since the promulgation of the Jardé law. Incomplete, because the needs for ethical evaluation provided for by the international ethical principles of research are not systematically covered by French law.  相似文献   
This study examines issues related to occupying both the role of stepmother and biological mother in a stepfamily. A sample of twelve participants was interviewed. The central theme of the interviews concerned the psychological state of the women as they tried to reconcile their biological maternity with their role as a stepmother. A qualitative analysis of the interviews enabled us to propose three themes emerging from their experience: a) a comparison of their different parental roles in the stepfamily; b) the issues related to managing stepfamily dynamics; c) the challenges linked to the development of a family identity.  相似文献   
The effects of three semantic factors (semantic priming of the target, semantic distance between the word-target and distractors, and semantic heterogeneity of the target context) on the detection of a word among other words were examined by using the classical paradigm of target detection (varying the number of distractors). Results showed that these three semantic factors affect performance: a target was better detected 1) when primed by its superordinate category than when it was defined as the “odd-one-out”; 2) when the semantic context was homogeneous than heterogeneous; and 3) when it was semantically unrelated to the context than semantically related. These results help specifying the cognitive processing of each word while searching for a word among others.  相似文献   
The five-factor model (FFM) is a hierarchical classification of personality traits with claims to both comprehensiveness and universality. Hundreds of studies of the FFM have revealed how traits operate, and five-factor theory (FFT) was devised to integrate these findings to show how personality develops and functions. Fundamental to FFT is the distinction between basic tendencies (which include the traits of the FFM) and the characteristic adaptations that evolve from the interaction of traits with the environment. We outline FFT, with special attention to the role of culture. According to FFT, culture has little or no impact on traits themselves, but dramatic effects on the habits, beliefs, values, roles, and relationships that constitute characteristic adaptations. Modifications to FFT are considered.  相似文献   
In order to study the correlational and causal relationships which link the antecedents, the process, and the results of the school-to-work transition, a longitudinal research (18 months) was performed with a sample of 123 engineering students during the last semester of their academic program. A multidimensional theoretical approach allowed to show, with the use of structural equations, that the intention to find a job (antecedent) resulted essentially from the perceived behavioral control and the social norm associated with such a project, and predicted the efficiency of the job search activity (process) which, itself, significantly determined the objective and the subjective quality (result) of the obtained job. Results are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications and of possible preventive interventions with persons who have to cope with a school-to-work transition.  相似文献   
This paper outlines the research methodology used as part of a professional doctorate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The project researched the maternal state of mind following the loss of an infant or small child and the birth of the next baby. Three mothers were seen for psychoanalytic psychotherapy on a weekly basis as part of this research. They were encouraged to bring their new baby to sessions. The author describes how an interest in this area of research developed as a result of working as a child psychotherapist with 'replacement children' (Cain and Cain, 1964). An argument is made to show that the psychoanalytic method is unique and that the psychoanalytic setting may be considered an 'ideal laboratory' (Fonagy and Moran, 1993) for psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic research. Clinical material is used from one case study to show how material can be analysed and demonstrates the research methodology used within the project. The material explores the developing therapeutic relationship and focuses on the way one mother in the research group experienced the loss of a small child prior to the birth of her next baby. Cet article décrit brièvement la méthodologie de recherche employée dans le cadre d'un doctorat professionnel en psychothérapie psychanalytique. Le projet de recherche porte sur l'état psychique maternel à la suite de la perte d'un nourrisson ou d'un enfant en bas âge lorsque un nouveau bébé vient à naître. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, trois mères ont bénéficié d'une psychothérapie psychanalytique à raison d'une séance hebdomadaire. Il leur était proposé d'amener leur bébé aux séances. L'auteur décrit comment son intérêt pour ce champ de recherche s'est développé à partir de son travail de psychothérapeute d'enfants auprès d'"enfants de remplacement" [A. Cain & B. Cain 1964]. Elle affirme que la méthode psychanalytique à sa propre valeur et que le cadre psychanalytique peut être considéré comme un "laboratoire idéal" [P. Fonagy & G. Moran 1993] pour la recherche en psychothérapie psychanalytique. Le matériel clinique d'une étude de cas montre comment l'analyser et illustre la méthodologie de la recherche employée dans ce projet. Ce matériel explore l'évolution de la relation thérapeutique et traite en détail de la façon dont une des mères de l'échantillon a vécu la perte d'un enfant en bas âge avant la naissance de son bébé actuel. Questo articolo mette in rilievo la metodologia di ricerca utilizzata come parte di un dottorato professionale in psicoterapia psicoanalitica. Il progetto di ricerca studiava lo stato mentale materno conseguente la perdita di un neonato o bambino piccolo e la nascita del bambino successivo. Come parte della ricerca tre madri furono seguite una volta alla settimana in psicoterapia psicoanalitica, ed incoraggiate a portare alle sedute i loro nuovi bebe'. L'autore descrive come il suo interesse in questa area si e' sviluppato conseguentemente al suo lavoro come psicoterapeuta infantile con 'bambini sostituti' (Cain e Cain, 1964. Si cerca di mostrare l'unicita' del metodo psicoanalitico e come esso possa essere considerato un 'laboratorio ideale' (Fonagy e Moran, 1993) per la ricerca in psicoterapia psicoanalitica. Viene usato il materiale clinico di un caso per mostrare come esso possa essere analizzato e illustrare il metodo di ricerca usato nel progetto. Il materiale esplora la relazione terapeutica nel suo evolversi e si concentra sul modo in cui una madre nel gruppo di ricerca visse la perdita di un bambino piccolo precedente la nascita dell'altro bebe'. Dieser Artikel umreisst die Forschungsmethodik, die als Teil einer Doktorarbeit in psychoanalytischer Psychotherapie verwendet wurde. Das Projekt erforschte den müterlichen Gemütszustand nach dem Verlust eines Babys oder kleinen Kindes und der Geburt des nächsten Babys. Als Teil dieser Forschung wurden drei Mütter einmal wöchentlich in Psychotherapie gesehen. Sie wurden ermuntert, ihr Neugeborenes zu den Stunden mitzubringen. Die Autorin beschreibt, wie das Interesse in diesem Forschungsbereich sich als Folge ihrer Arbeit als Kinderpsychotherapeutin mit 'Ersatzkindern' entwickelt hatte. (Cain und Cain 1964). Es wird argumentiert, dass die psychoanalytische Methode einzigartig ist und das psychoanalytische Setting als ein 'ideales Labor' (Fonagy und Moran,1993) für psychoanalytische psychotherapeutische Forschung angesehen werden kann. Es wird klinisches Material einer Fallstudie benutzt, um zu zeigen, wie das Material analysiert werden kann und es demonstriert die Forschungsmethodik, die im Projekt benutzt wird. Das Material erforscht die sich entwickelnde therapeutische Beziehung und legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Art und Weise, wie eine Mutter in der Forschungsgruppe den Verlust eines kleinen Kindes vor der Geburt ihres nächsten Babys erlebte.  相似文献   
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