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今年是中国近现代穆斯林留学埃及八十周年,也是早期留学埃及的中国著名穆斯林学者、《古兰经》译注家马金鹏先生归真十周年。作为中国伊斯兰教历史上的穆斯林留学精英和杰出代表人物之一,马金鹏先生完成的《古兰经译注》,不仅续写了《古兰经》译注事业在中国的灿烂篇章,也为世界范围内的《古兰经》译注工程增光添彩。值此先生归真十周年之际,谨以此文纪念先生!  相似文献   
在伊斯兰文化中,关于自然界的认识和理解有其独特的宗教含义,这也必然决定了伊斯兰文化中和谐自然观所存在的宗教特质,要科学地认识伊斯兰文化中的和谐自然观,就必须要坚持“伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应”的原则,一方面要积极肯定其和谐自然观中的和谐理念和价值,另一方面也要充分地认识其宗教特质,这也同样是伊斯兰教在中国特色社会主义...  相似文献   
伊斯兰教道德范例是《古兰经》、圣训体现的宗教伦理道德准则。本文认为,伊斯兰教的道德观就是要人坦诚相见,宽怀大度,保持良好的做人声誉,这样才能达到人间的和谐相处,有利于人类自身的发展。  相似文献   
《古兰经》注释学作为阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化体系最早形成的学科,在揭示《古兰经》经义经旨,推动伊斯兰教历史进程,构建和完善阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化体系,引导穆斯林社会发展,规范穆斯林生活,促使阿拉伯-伊斯兰文明与其它文明交流互动中,发挥了无可替代的作用。鉴于此,注释《古兰经》历来受到阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化学术界的重视,并根据经训教义教法和注释学科的总体要求,制定了注释学的学术要求、原则和修养,有效保障了历代穆斯林信经而不僵经,释经而不越经。  相似文献   
Abstract :  The Christian tradition of just war does not have a New Testament foundation but is a tradition that developed after the conversion of Constantine and Christianity's emergence as the state religion of the empire. In Islam, however, just war has been an issue since its foundational period, because while Christianity did not get involved in statecraft until Constantine, Islam dates its calendar literally from the establishment of the first statecraft in Medina. However, distortion of this tradition has occurred in both religions: we have a distorted justification of just war tradition in Christianity, and a distorted understanding of jihad as simply a holy war in Islam. This paper tries to deconstruct both these traditions and create a new hermeneutics for contemporary times.  相似文献   
By David D. Grafton 《Dialog》2009,48(3):257-266
Abstract :  This article seeks to provide an overarching view of the North American Muslim conversation about interpreting the Qur'an in a post 9/11 world. While most Western critiques of Islam focus on reading the texts of Islam, the author argues that one must also listen to the contemporary intra-Muslim conversation about their own text, in order to faithfully understand the Muslim perspective. In this conversation, the author provides evidence for a plurality of social-political views among Muslims and notes that the post 9/11 North American context is alive and well with such faith conversations.  相似文献   
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