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In the Critique of Judgement, Kant, despite his strong condemnation of rhetoric, introduces the figure of hypotyposis at the very moment he sets out to tackle the philosophical problem of presentation as such. This study holds that this choice of the rhetorical term is not fortuitous. Its connotations of vivid illustration, synopsis, and moral grandeur serve Kant in arguing that, on a transcendental level, presentation secures the mind's life, unity, and self-affection. Although of rhetorical origin, hypotyposis is thus shown to link up with a specifically philosophical meaning of the term in the writings of Aristotle.  相似文献   
Much geographical work has focused on sites of memory, where memories and grief are inherently tied to particular places, monuments and landscapes. Memories and grief can also, however, be spatially and temporally dispersed and fragmentary, creating landscapes in which things are simultaneously present and absent. In this paper I trace the creation of a memorial poem - a marwnad - for my great aunt, who lived her entire life on the margins of Cors Goch, a lowland bog in rural south-west Wales, as part of a long tradition in Welsh-language poetry. Like many Welsh marwnadau, the poem highlights spatial and temporal complexities of memory, emotion and grief. They are both inherently tied to shifting, ephemeral, fluid landscapes and politicised in changing regional and national cultural landscapes, speaking to challenges faced by rural communities and the changing geographies of the Welsh language. As well as reflecting the temporality and seasonality of site-specific memory and grief, the poem contributes to that temporality as memories resurface and intensify during composition and in subsequent personal readings. I discuss the place of such performative poetry in mapping grief and the implications of poetic grieving and memory-making for absence and presence and relationships with the landscape.  相似文献   
《孔丛子》六卷当出自“汉魏孔氏家学” ,其前三卷记孔子、子思言行 ,可能是辑先秦孔氏遗文。《孔丛子·记义》篇载有一大段孔子对《诗》的评论 ,其与上博简《孔子诗论》有着内在的关系 ,可以将它们视为同一个体系而相互参释和补充。《孔丛子》“诗论”与上博简《诗论》都反映了先秦儒家早期说诗的风格和内容 ,而与汉代形成的《诗序》传统不同。《孔丛子》“诗论”对朱熹的《诗经集传》有一定影响 ,在从汉代诗学向宋代诗学的转变过程中起了一定的作用。  相似文献   
Gaymon L. Bennett  Sr. 《Dialog》2003,42(2):161-166
Nineteenth-century Jesuit priest and poet, Gerd Manley Hopkins (1844–89), produced poems on natural themes which were not only revolutionary for their structure and style but also disctinctive and forward-looking for their treatment of the environment. In these poems, he presents nature as intrinsically (rather than instrumentally) valuable, God as concerned with the salvation not only of humans but of the environment, and humankind as responsible noy only for polluting the Earth but for participating in its salvation. Christian poets of the twenty-first century need to hees and follow Hopkin's example.  相似文献   
周潇 《管子学刊》2006,(1):123-127
晚明万历朝诗坛上,公安、竟陵风靡天下,笼盖一时,齐鲁诗坛却独树一帜,不为所动。齐鲁文人的审美取向总体上呈现出鲜明的地域文化特征,厌弃公安、竟陵,传扬历下诗脉,倡导浑厚雅正。万历前期,于慎行、公鼐、冯琦诸公立足齐鲁文化,标举“齐风”,倡言革新,“齐风”的内涵有雄浑大雅、自我树立、真情为宗、自然化工等;万历后期,王象春、公等人主张重开诗界,不袭陈言,诗风纵横放驰,“齐气”奔轶。  相似文献   
通过对渐卦卦象的分析,并考《说文》段注“陂陀曰渐”,得出渐卦取名为渐,当取坡渐之意,进而引伸为渐进之意。又从卦爻象出发,对渐卦的卦爻辞作出分析,认为渐卦的卦爻辞是根据其卦爻象而系出,而且其整卦的卦爻辞都是围绕着一个中心主题而展开,且其思想与《诗经》中的《鸿雁》等篇不无关系。这或可为进一步解读《周易》古经及其产生时代问题提供某种有益的启示。  相似文献   
A review of Peter Steele’s Plenty, a book in which each poem is faced by a colour plate of the painting or object which sparked it off. Hollander’s ecphrasis and Krieger’s ekphrasis are held in – possibly unresolvable – dialectic by Steele’s poems. The only resolution which one can find is one of wit rather than of philosophy.
Patrick HutchingsEmail:
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书所载的“中氏”即今传本《诗·仲氏》。孔子时代的《仲氏》一诗 ,在流传的过程中 ,因错简而被误入它诗 ,它的原貌至少包括了《燕燕》诗的末章和《何人斯》的第七章。经复原后的《仲氏》一诗 ,体现了儒家孝悌精神。上博简《诗论》载孔子以“君子”评《仲氏》一诗 ,其主导思想即在于对“孝弟”原则的肯定。《仲氏》一诗透露的内容与共伯兄弟的情况十分吻合 ,且其简被编入《邶风》 ,此皆可以推测此诗为共伯余之作。《诗·仲氏》对于了解“共和行政”这一重大历史事件提供了相当可贵的资料  相似文献   
在中国《诗经》学史上,郑玄的《毛诗传笺》久负盛名。尤其是他利用由古代礼义与礼例对《诗》作了制度化的研究,一直被认为是孔子以来说《诗》的重要发展。然而,作为郑玄《诗》学中不可或缺的重要组成部分学的"以易笺诗",却常为世人所忽略。本文通过对《郑笺》与《易注》的梳理与论证,指出郑玄以《周易》卦爻象与《易传》笺《诗》,虽然大多是片断的,不连贯的,有的甚至是随文引申有感而发,但是他借助《周易》话语,运用当时的社会观念和理论表述自己对《诗》的理解,丰富和深化了《诗》学的"比兴"手法、"天命"观念与讽喻功能,为我们展示了汉代《诗》学研究的新思路和新动向。  相似文献   
作为教育家的孔子从教学、教材的角度认为《诗》不仅应当让人们学到知识,更重要的让人们提高自身素质和修养,但孔子这种强调诗的教育作用的思想被后世文人加以引申阐发,成为了中国传统诗学的核心思想。儒家诗教原则得以确立有一个过程,这既是中国封建社会发展的必然,也是历代儒家文人不断努力的结果。为实现教育教化功能,中国历代文人探寻出了“文以载道”的理论,并付诸于创作实践。强调文学的教化功能成为中国传统文学理论与实践的突出特点。  相似文献   
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