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The Laozi laughs at the joy of those who violate the Dao and praises the suffering of those who attain it,yet this does not mean that the political philosophy of the Laozi does not encompass a notion of happiness,a notion that is grounded in the "enjoyment of something together" (gong le共樂) by the sag and the common people.The philosophical foundation of the Laozi's view of happiness is its cosmology,of which there are two sequences:one is generation and the other is growth.With the influences of Wei/Jin-era metaphysics and Western philosophy,Chinese scholars used to overemphasize generation,tracing only the origin.But in the cosmology of the Laozi,both generation and growth are indispensable,and this is part of the reason why the Dao and the De are equally important in the Laozi.The happiness of the common people does not come from a psychological dependence on or attachment to certain form of domination,but from the full development of each individual's initiative and action affected by Mysterious De.  相似文献   
刘季冬 《现代哲学》2007,(1):130-135
王弼《老子注》是代表《老子》的思想,还是属于王弼本人的思想,学术界的认识存在着较大分歧。文章在对比王弼《老子注》思想与《老子》思想的基础上,较为详细地论证了《老子注》思想属于王弼本人的思想。  相似文献   
The Laozi expounds a thoroughgoing and sustained criticism of government and society. In this paper, I will demonstrate that although this criticism is addressed to the ancient Chinese state, it can also have some validity for the modern state of today. I will first briefly discuss the metaphysical grounds of this criticism and stress that the ruler should use wuwei in governing. Then, I will examine the Laozi’s criticism of the oppressive governments that use unnatural governing through youwei which increases the state disorder, as well as how this criticism is supported by its metaphysical grounds. Third, I will show that the selfish desires may significantly contribute to the state disorder and that the only one to be blamed for the arousing of them is the ruler. At last, I will attempt to show that this criticism may also to a certain extent be directed toward today’s modern state.  相似文献   
郭伟宏 《管子学刊》2008,(1):100-103
高亨先生《老子正诂》对《老子》文本的校勘,有近百处与出土文献相合。他运用的校勘方法灵活多样,细密严谨,至今仍有指导意义。《老子正诂》之所以成为上一世纪老学研究的经典之作,与全书对文本的精密校勘是密不可分的,揭示出高亨先生《老子正诂》的校勘成就,有助于推动《老子》研究的发展。  相似文献   
雅斯贝尔斯对“轴心时代”文明之梳理,在很大程度上是考察在人类历史上中国、印度和希腊三种文明是以何种方式达到“统摄”(das Umgreifende)的。而孔子和老子的思想在达至终极真理的方式方面,给予了雅斯贝尔斯以极大的启发。本文考察了中国资源在雅斯贝尔斯“轴心时代”观念形成过程中所起的作用,并进而指出,如果没有中国思想参与的话,“轴心时代”这一概念会不会出现,都是值得考虑的。反过来,正是借助于作为存在哲学大师的雅斯贝尔斯的复述,孔子和老子的思想变得鲜活起来,从而更符合时代的要求。实际上,中国只是雅斯贝尔斯寻求世界文明历史发展进程的一个重要组成部分,他希望通过对世界不同文明发展进程的探寻,来思考和揭示人性存在的现状,进一步发现共同的起源和未来,从而为他的世界哲学理念提供一个更加广泛的基础。  相似文献   
中国道家思想的中心价值是“自然”,“无为”是其这一价值追求的方法论的必然选择。马斯洛人本心理学在价值取向和方法运用上都与中国道家思想有一定的相通之处,该文对两者间的关联试作了列举分析,并考察了这两者的相关研究对于未来的意义。  相似文献   
The debate on the yan-yi relation was carried out by Chinese philosophers collectively, and the principles and methods in the debate still belong to a living tradition of Chinese philosophy. From Yijing (Book of Changes), Lunyu (Analects), Laozi and Zhuangzi to Wang Bi, “yi” which cannot be expressed fully by yan (language), is not only “idea” or “meaning” in the human mind, but is also some kind of ontological existence, which is beyond yan and emblematic symbols, and unspeakable. Thus, the debate on the yan-yi relation refers firstly to metaphysics, secondly to moral philosophy, and then to epistemology and philosophy of language. Guided by this view, this paper recalls the source of the debate on the yan-yi relation to Yijing and Lunyu, distinguishes four meanings of “yi” in Chinese philosophy, and reconstructs three arguments. These arguments are the “yan cannot express yi fully” argument, “forget yan once you get yi” argument, and “yan can express yi fully” argument. Finally, this paper exposes and comments on those principles, methods and the general tendency shown in the debate from the following five aspects: starting point, value-preference, methodology, texts (papers and books), and influences. __________ Translated from Jianghai Xuekan 江海学刊 (Jianghai Academic Studies), 2005 (3)  相似文献   
In early China, views concerning human nature underwent significant development, with philosophers moving from seeing it as desire or instinct to seeing it as virtue or essence. Before Confucius’s time, human beings’ xing, or nature, was construed as desire and instinct, i.e., as a physical nature. The key problem faced by theorists of human nature at that time was how to manage nature with virtue, i.e., how to use virtue to both control and enrich nature. A later, wide-reaching development was the use of qi to explain human nature. Laozi began, taking de or virtue to be the internal essence of the human being; Confucius took de or virtue to be xing or nature. Following this development, the main current of the theory of human nature in the pre-Qin period divided into two branches. One, created by the later Confucius, inherited in part by Zisi, and developed by Mencius, took virtue as nature and insisted on the a priority of internal morality. The other branch, inherited in part by Zisi and developed by the author of Xing Zi Ming Chu and Xunzi, featured the development of the old tradition which took yu, or desire, as nature.  相似文献   
This article aims to show that the concept of "naturalness" in the Laozi is able to provide cultural guidance concerning values for contemporary social development.Specifically,the Laozi's concept of "naturalness"—manifested in the text's exhortation to "honor the dao and exalt the de" and its statement that "the dao models itself on naturalness"—has profound ontological,political and social implications concerning "naturalness" that are strongly expressed through a variety of propositions including "achieving all through non-action" and "downsizing the state and simplifying the people." With respect to the question about individuals living a life of appropriateness and establishing their destiny,the Laozi emphasizes such cultivation methods as "sticking to simplicity and authenticity" and "watching in quietude and observing in depth,"which are also infused with the conception of "naturalness," which stresses the notion that understanding the harmony between man and nature can provide useful lessons for the development of contemporary human society.  相似文献   
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