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《圣迹图》版本初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来 ,研究孔子的专书中涉及《圣迹图》版本研究的几乎没有 ,且为之介绍的专文也难得一见。《圣迹图》有绘本、石刻本、木刻本三种类型 ,乃为画家及刻梓者出自以垂永久之思 ,以求望图而知所考据 ,入室如见其人之感受。从中国版画史的角度来看 ,《圣迹图》中孔子形象 ,为后人运用想像力 ,揣摩当时的情景 ,选取孔子生平事迹中最为人所津津乐道的难忘情节创造出来的。本文就传世的各种版本及内容作一些考证及探讨。  相似文献   
This paper examines the debate surrounding He Shao’s account that ‘He Yan thinks the sage is without pleasure, anger, sorrow and grief.’ The point of controversy surrounds squaring a perspective on the sage as emotionless with a thinker who otherwise largely expounds values and political views found in the Lunyu and the Laozi. Since proper management of emotions is important in both texts, it is difficult to imagine how He Yan could hold such a radical view. Dealing with this difficulty scholars have either simply found He Yan ‘unreasonable’ and ‘contradictory’ or otherwise sought to explain away his emotionless sage through complex ontological or political arguments. When He Yan’s work is contextualized in terms of philosophical religious views at the time, we find additional problems with how He Yan’s work has been interpreted. This paper considers a new way to view He Yan, one that respects his multifarious views.  相似文献   
近几年,随着科技考古的蓬勃发展,我国的盐业考古工作有了长足进步,尤其是山东寿光大荒北央、双王城等以海盐生产为主的考古遗存的发掘,为海盐考古提供了第一手资料。本文作者从亲历的广饶南河崖遗址发掘为出发点,力图理清目前鲁北地区商周时期海盐考古的现状,并就某些问题做初步探索。  相似文献   
蔡元定主张"河十洛九"、"河先洛后",与刘牧的"河九洛十"、"河洛同出"说相反。蔡元定强调河图与洛书的区分,与朱熹的"虚中为易、实中为范"说企图融合河图、洛书也不同。其目的是加强十数图与《周易》八卦的关联,九数图与《洪范》九畴的关联,进而将《洪范》纳入易学系统。其子蔡沈的《洪范皇极》以《周易》为象学,对应河图,以《洪范》为数学,对应洛书,正是这一目的的体现。这一区分是对刘牧河图、洛书说的发展,蔡氏父子由此构建了其范数之学。  相似文献   
胡煦易学的河图洛书观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡煦是清初著名易学家,治易兼采汉宋,融合象数与义理,提出了诸多独到的见解。胡煦认为《周易》为传道之书,阐述天人合一之旨,而欲明周易所传之道,必须从研究河图、洛书开始。他认为河图、洛书同为伏羲画卦之资,反对以洛书为作《范》之具的观点。关于河图、洛书的关系,胡煦提出“河图合而洛书分,河图先天洛书后天”,“图为先天是流行之气,书为后天是对待之形”,批评先天对待后天流行的观点。基于河图先天的看法,胡煦提出“先天河图无拆法”,批评拆补之说,提出羲图文卦的观点。  相似文献   
沿着班固"经莫大于《易》,故作《太玄》"的思路,后人就会寻求《太玄》与《周易》的对应关系,结果却发现二者有诸多不合。以此回溯汉代《易》经存在的实际情况:三《易》并存、《周易》尚未定型,说明《太玄》不仅仅是模仿《周易》,而是综合参照了当时存在的古《易》。本文通过分析《太玄》与《连山》、《河图》、《洛书》的具体关系,揭示《说卦》是《太玄》与古《易》联结的纽带,明晰三《易》发展的实际线索。  相似文献   
The role of immiscible Cu/Mo interfaces on the formation of helium (He) bubbles in ion-irradiated Cu/Mo 5?nm multilayers is examined. Interfaces significantly enhance the critical He concentration above which bubbles, approximately 1?nm in diameter, are detected via through-focus imaging in a transmission electron microscope. He-to-vacancy ratio affects the formation and distribution of He bubbles. The diameter of He bubbles in Cu appears to be slightly larger than that in Mo.  相似文献   
The Zhanguoce School emerged in 1940 and actively responded to the crisis caused by the Sino-Japanese War. The cultural morphology of Oswald Spengler (1880–1936) inspired most of the leading Zhanguoce scholars to reflect on the culture, history, and status quo of China. They believed that China was suffering from a total war with world superpowers and that it was in a new Warring States epoch; they thus advocated radical cultural reform as a necessary condition for victory and invoked Nietzschean philosophy to champion heroism and power. However, He Lin 賀麟 (1902–92), a philosopher in this school, looked to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) and Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814) for different theories of cultural reform and history. This article examines He’s integration of the philosophies of Hegel and Fichte into his cultural and historical thought. Based on the Hegelian notion of Spirit, He rethought the nature of culture and the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures; he also interpreted history by comparing the historical theories of Hegel and Wang Fuzhi 王夫之 (1619–92). Furthermore, He investigated individual realization with reference to Fichte and repudiated radical heroism.  相似文献   
杨兆贵 《管子学刊》2005,52(3):89-93
鹖冠子的理想政治和时局有密切的关系,他对一些大国不能得志于天下,深感痛惜.他深思败亡之由,并藉此提出自己的理想政治论——成鸠氏之治,其家族以“制邑理都”、“啬万物”、“与天地总”、“素皇内帝”等统治方法来统治,结果能统治天下一万八千年.这一理论主要受管子军政改革、《周礼》治官治民、选贤与能、《商君书》等法家严刑峻法等思想所影响.这种理想政治的实施,会统一中国,建立集权的中央政府,四夷宾服.  相似文献   
朱熹从探究《易》之本义的角度,继承和发展了邵雍的先天象数学,提出了《周易》本来是卜筮之书的思想,主张“三圣易”和经传相分,探析了河图、洛书及其关系,进而对伏羲画卦的内在机制以及大衍之数五十的来源做了阐释,从而不仅为象数易学增添了新内容,而且为学人提供了一种合理的解《易》方法。  相似文献   
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