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于成 《世界哲学》2023,(3):101-111
人类经历了从传统影像到概念化影像再到技术影像的演进历程。弗卢塞尔把摄影装置作为生产技术影像的起点和装置社会的原型。通过批判摄影装置,本文揭示出自动装置与技术影像的联合,强化着主客关系的世界观与世界被把握为图像的历史进程。人如果深陷在这一进程中,就会遵循装置程序的自动化逻辑,成为装置社会自我反馈中的环节;人的思想、感觉、欲望和行动,就会成为装置所处理的资源。但是,这并不意味着人终将被装置奴役。鉴于装置本身具有复杂性和不断产生新意义的可能性,人可以达成与装置相互利用、相互博弈的共存关系,在与装置共同创造新意义的过程中保持自由。  相似文献   
在当代西方哲学界,塞尔的意向性分析经常被认为在追随或重复胡塞尔的工作。塞尔本人固然不同意这样的说法,但如果对两人的意向性分析进行详细的对比考察,就会发现,塞尔的确在很多方面重复了胡塞尔的工作。不过,胡塞尔塞尔的意向性分析在结论上的惊人相似掩饰不了其哲学方法上的根本差异:前者运用的是"先验还原"和"本质直观"的现象学方法,后者运用的是分析哲学的"逻辑分析"方法。将这两种根本不同的哲学方法,用于讨论同一个哲学问题,却可以得出大致相同的结论,这足以表明:现象学传统和分析哲学传统之间的关系完全可以是一种非竞争性的甚至是互补性的关系。  相似文献   
Husserl the philosopher personally experienced World War I breaking out 100 years ago. Like most German and Austrian commoners, at the initial stage of the war, Husserl was extremely passionate for it. After undergoing the cruelty of war and losing many relatives and friends, he was once enmeshed in extreme confusion and disappointment, albeit he still made every effort to offer spiritual and ethical support to the soldiers at the front. Along with the proceeding of the war, he soon changed his views with respect to this war and confessed that more and deeper reflections were needed to address issues about problems of nationality, super-national ethics and about problems of wars relevant to them. He made philosophical theoretical reflections with regard to this war after it ended, and presented, eventually, requirements for himself: to be satisfied with taking the possibility of the practical activities of philosophy as the topic of philosophical theoretical study and to give up, in drastic fashion, the intention in such philosophical practices as providing political proposals and exerting political influences, "living purely as a scientific philosopher."  相似文献   
1.前言 下述行为司空见惯,我们差不多每天都会碰到:在作出了“X会是最好的做法”的判断后,形成了坚定而无条件的去做X的意向,最后却做了与之背离的Y。我们都得同意,人们常常故意做一些不符合他们的道德理性或计策(pmdential)理性的最优判断(bestjudgment)的行为。  相似文献   
生物自然主义:塞尔对自由意志的解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对自由意志问题的解答中,传统的相容论和心理决定论都存在一定的缺陷,未能令人满意地回答这一问题。塞尔试图把自由意志的心理状态说明与神经生物学解释结合起来,认为在自由意志行为中存在间隔。在解释我们的自由意志行为时我们有必要先设一个不可约减的非休谟式的自我。这种阐释虽然符合我们的日常经验和科学说明,但却引发了一个新难题:我们的神经元系统的决定性是如何与意志自由行动中的间隔相一致的?  相似文献   
自然科学和社会科学一个很重要的区别在于解释上的差异,对自然事物的解释是因果解释,对人类行为的解释则是意向解释.通常看来,两者在本质上是不同的,理由不等同于原因.然而,当代著名哲学家塞尔却认为意向解释必须合乎因果性,才能说明人类行为,为此他提出了一种用以说明的工具——意向因果关系理论.本文对这一理论进行深入考察,指出它所存在的主要困境,并在此基础上尝试提出一种新的意向因果关系理论.  相似文献   
In the phenomenological tradition intentionality is considered to be an essential property of consciousness. Philosophers from this tradition (Brentano, Husserl, Sartre, etc.) generally share the following two commitments: (i) intentionality is an essential property of consciousness; and (ii) all intentional states are directed at, and are intentionally related to, objects. This view of consciousness has two pressing problems. Firstly, philosophers such as John Searle and David Rosenthal have suggested raw feelings and some forms of seemingly undirected and thus non-intentional feelings as counterexamples to the essential intentionality of conscious states. Secondly, some analytical philosophers and Husserlian scholars inspired by Frege, such as Smith and Follesdal, deny that every intentional state is related to a correlative object. This paper presents a Husserlian view concerning the essential intentionality of consciousness. It will be shown that both problems can be successfully dealt with from an essentially Husserlian and phenomenological perspective.  相似文献   
塞尔(John R.Searle)是当今世界最著名、最具影响力的哲学家之一,日常语言分析学派和言语行动(speechact)理论的主要代表,其主要研究旨趣在语言哲学、心灵哲学和社会哲学。塞尔著述等身,且对许多研究领域产生了深广影响,有些著述已被译为20余种语言文字。  相似文献   
环境危机已经成为人类当前面临的最大危机之一。法国著名哲学家米歇尔·塞尔以独特的方式探讨了环境危机的根源及其克服方式。环境危机来源于文化危机,而文化危机的源头则在于近代社会契约论传统。为此,塞尔提倡自然契约,以弥补社会契约论的不足。与此对应的关系主义哲学则力图对现代主客体哲学进行根本的改造。  相似文献   
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