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Recently, cross-cultural facial-expression recognition has become a research hotspot, and a standardised facial-expression material system can significantly help researchers compare and demonstrate the results of other studies. We developed a facial-expression database of Chinese Han, Hui and Tibetan ethnicities. In this study, six basic human facial expressions (and one neutral expression) were collected from 200 Han, 220 Hui and 210 Tibetan participants who lived in these regions. Four experts on each ethnicity evaluated the facial-expression images according to the expressions, and only those achieving inter-rater agreement were retained. Subsequently, 240 raters evaluated these images according to the seven emotions and rated the intensity of the expressions. Consequently, 2980 images were included in the database, including 930 images of Han individuals, 962 images of Hui individuals and 1088 images of Tibetan individuals. In conclusion, the facial-expression database of Chinese Han, Hui and Tibetan people was representative and reliable with a recognition rate of over 60%, making it well-suited for cross-cultural research on emotions.  相似文献   
尚杰 《世界哲学》2004,(4):59-81
索绪尔的宏大构想,是展示一个伟大发现:存在着种种神的名字,诗人以神秘而固定的样式创制出来,编织入(梵文、希腊文、拉丁文)古诗的行节中,这些名称经由依次选择数个特定的字,使其可被人理解。简括地说,索绪尔发现诗是双层的:行上覆行,字上覆字,词上覆词,能指上覆能指。这种变换字序以形成新词的圆转若环的现象,索绪尔以为到处都可见;他被它迷住了;若是听不到原初意义的籁籁细响,他就无法读一行诗。若干字结了盟,播撒遍了诗行,历历在目……意义决不是单一的,数个字形成一个词,虽则每个字理性上都是毫无意义的,字继续在我们身上寻觅它的自由,去意指别的什么。  相似文献   
本文借助于问卷调查与田野调查两种方法,对148名农村青少年基督徒的宗教信仰进行研究。研究发现,社会转型过程中,农村青少年基督徒的宗教信仰出现了分化,一部分青少年脱离了宗教信仰,另一部分青少年则依然保持着宗教信仰;农村青少年基督徒宗教卷入程度较低,个体私人性的宗教卷入行为相对较多,群体公共性宗教卷入行为较少;农村青少年基督徒的宗教态度趋于理性化。因此,世俗化会带来信仰的多元化。  相似文献   
中国心理学史研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨鑫辉 《心理学报》1988,21(1):72-78
新开拓的一个分支学科——中国心理学史已经宣告建立。它填补了世界心理学史的一项重大空白,为国内外心理学界所瞩目。它正朝着纵深的方向发展:研究对象和指导思想更加明确,划清了一些基本的界限;基本范畴与术语的研究更加深入,整理出了一套中国古代心理学思想的范畴体系;开展了中西比较研究,更有说服力地确立了中国古代心理学思想的历史地位;建立和发展了国际学术联系,扩大了中国心理学的影响。  相似文献   
塞辅音和声调知觉问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告的两个实验以合成的汉语普通话CV音节作刺激,研究了塞辅音与声调之间在知觉上的相互作用问题。主要结果是:(1)塞辅音的发音方式影响声调的知觉,不送气音使听者在辨别声调时倾向于基频曲线起点高的声调反应;(2)音节的声调也影响对塞音发音方式的判断,在一、四声音节里,听者倾向于将塞辅音听成不送气音,在二、三声音节里,听成送气音。  相似文献   
Several hypotheses derived from P. Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness theory were tested with Ss from the United States and Korea. Ss imagined themselves in situations in which they were to make a request. They then indicated exactly what they would say in each situation and what their perceptions of the request size, the hearer's power, and the closeness of their relationship with the hearer were. Consistent with P. Brown and Levinson's theory, power, distance, and size contributed significantly to politeness. Significant predictor variable interactions suggested that an additive model is not appropriate. Finally, there was evidence of cultural and gender differences in the weighting of these predictor variables. These differences can partially account for cultural and gender differences in language use.  相似文献   
词切分的韵律学线索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨玉芳 《心理学报》1992,25(4):59-65
本文是关于汉语普通话词切分的一个实验报告。用无意文重复句和合成句作语音材料,探讨音节时长分布、基频曲线、音节强度以及共振峰等韵律学线索在词切分中的作用。得到的主要结果是,在排除语义和音段层面信息的条件下,听者能够根据句子的韵律学特征进行句子结构的判断和词的切分;在对切分有效的韵律学线索中,最重要的是音节的时长分布模式,其次是基频曲线,音节的强度和共振峰变化对切分没有贡献。  相似文献   
语意好恶度在人物观感研究中构成的系统性偏差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵志裕  杨中芳 《心理学报》1989,22(3):110-114
本研究要旨在探讨问卷中题目的语意好恶度在人物观感研究中所构成的系统性偏差效应。被试为87名大学生。他们需要评定如果要在某一项专业上有优良的表现,哪些性格特征会比较重要。我们把被试随机地分成三组,然后指示每一组被试分别就三种性质很不同的专业的其中一种评鉴121项性格特征的重要性。跟着我们采用每一性格特征的重要度评分与它的语意好恶值进行了一连串的相关分析。结果发现性格特征形容词的语意好恶度可能会对被试在人物观感研究中的评分构成系统性偏差的。最后笔者针对这研究结果引申出来的方法问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine whether backward walking represented a simple temporal reversal of forward walking and, hence, could be controlled by a reversed cycling of the same group of neurons. Electromyographic (EMG), joint angle, joint moment, and joint muscle power patterns were compared for forward and backward walking, in 6 subjects. The joint angle patterns with the time-base of the backward walking reversed were similar, with the exception of the ankle. The moment patterns were similar except for the knee, whereas the joint muscle powers were almost reversed-polarity images of each other. This suggests that somewhat similar muscle activation patterns could be used to produce both modes of locomotion, but the temporal cycling of muscle contraction would be reversed: Concentric muscle activity in forward walking would become eccentric activity in backward walking, and visa versa. The EMG results generally supported these findings.  相似文献   
Objective indices (heart rate, perspiration quantity, finger plethysmograph curves, and facial expression) and subjective indices (sensory and emotional subject reports) were recorded for 25 young Chinese adults (16 men, 9 women) during and after the simultaneous application of a strong pain stimulus and either foot classical (alloneural points Tsusanli and Yanglingchuan) or hand classical (alloneural points Hegu and Neiguan) acupuncture. Both forms of acupuncture were equally effective, showing that stimulation of the same nerve is not essential for pain relief. Acupuncture assuaged the emotional, but not the sensory, response to the painful stimulation.  相似文献   
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